I was putting a lot of pressure on this Christmas to be just amazing since it was Mr. Perfect's and my last Christmas just the two of us. However, things quickly weren't going my way so I gave up. Once I did, they went just like they were supposed to.
We didn't get to go see the Christmas lights we always went to see growing up because the people didn't do them this year. We didn't stay up late watching Christmas movies each night, because I was exhausted. We didn't exchange a ton of gifts because we deemed saving for Baby Girl a bit more important. But... we did enjoy a lovely candlelight service at church on Christmas Eve (which the hubs didn't get to go to grr....), and we did eat a lot of good food, and I did get to open gifts just me and the hubs on Christmas Eve, which was perfect. So not bad.
Christmas Eve, my parents (who were in town for the holidays), my aunt, and my grandparents headed to church for the candlelight service at church. Mr. Perfect had to work (I know!) so he didn't make it, but he met us for dinner afterward. The service was perfect. Hands down my favorite part of the holiday, as usual.
After dinner Mr. Perfect and I headed home while my parents went to a Christmas party for a bit. We wanted to exchange our gift by ourselves so we figured that was the best time to do it. We just got one thing each for each other, but that was all we needed. I got a Flip video camera and he got an x-box 360. I love my new camera and I know it's going to come in super handy. Mr. Perfect spent the rest of the night cooking food for the next day and I lazed around with the pups on the couch.. Perfection..
Christmas Day we got up early and did gift with the parents. Don't worry, the pups and the cat got plenty of loot too. After we finished, we headed over to the grandparents for lunch and more gifts. The rest of the day was spent lazing around and trying not to bust from way too much good cooking.
Frying up the turkey.
Grandma cooking up a storm.
my parents..
So that was our Christmas in a nutshell. Even Baby Girl scored some sweet gifts. The best and her kids came over a few days later and we did Christmas with them, but that will have to be a post tomorrow because (shocker), I'm tired. All in all, a great holiday with family that we all survived. Always a perfect ending!
All the dogs watching you open presents is too cute!!
The dogs watching you is very cute:)
Your husband must of really liked that X-Box 360?!
Okay, where were you at that he was able to wear SHORTS?!
Thank you for sharing!
glad you had a great christmas hun!! :) love the pic of the pups all around you! haha!
I love the pic with all the dogs gazing up at you. Cute!
Love the picture of all the dogs watching you opening a gift! So cute :)
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