1. My amazing husband. He truly is my best friend. He makes me smile even when I'm mad. He makes me laugh constantly. He works so hard to build a great life for me and now for his little girl on the way. He's amazing. I have no idea how I got lucky enough for him to love me, but I thank God for him everyday.
2. Our little girl. She's what we've been praying for and longing for for years. In an instant, she put a permanent smile on our faces, and changed our lives forever. She made us a complete family and we can't wait to meet her.
3. Our pets. They bring a ridiculous amount of joy to our lives and even though they may be just "animals" (shh... don't tell them!), they are a huge part of our family. We seriously love them a sick amount.
4. Our families. We are both so fortunate that we both come from very supportive families who have been there for us through everything.
5. That the Marine is safe. He may not be where I want him, but at least he's safe.
6. That we have a home and jobs and a car.
7. That we have a Savior that loves us and watches over us everyday.
8. For my amazing friends and blog friends. When I started this blog a year ago, I had no idea what would come of it, but I adore my friendships that I've formed with this thing. You ladies are wonderful!!
It's been such an awesome year and I'm looking forward to the next one. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!! We're decorating our tree tonight and starting the Christmas season strong!
such a great year for you!!!
Cute cute post!
You cat looks a lot like ours, which I love wayyyy too much too!
Congrats again on your little girl! I can't wait to see and read more about her!
This is a great heartfelt post. My heart smiles for you and all your blessings :)
You definitely have A LOT to be thankful for :) Hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving!
LOVE this post!! Happy belated Thanksgiving!
love this post! you have some wonderful things to be thankful for :)
that sonogram picture is AMAZING!!
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