Thursday, July 15, 2010


We've had revival all this week at church which we somehow made it to every single day. Not that it was easy. It stormed every day, we're both working, and we've had visitors as well.

But we made it.

And I'm so glad we did.

Honestly, for the first time in a very long time, possibly ever, I am completely content. I have an amazing husband, an incredible daughter, a home, a job that is laid back enough that I still see my family a lot, my brother's home.. I can't think of one thing that I am not happy with.

I think that's when Satan hits me the hardest.

You see, when I'm going through a tough time, I pray daily. Sometimes multiple times a day. I beg God for help, advice, assistance with a need, whatever. I talk to Him a lot. I worship Him hard core in church. I listen intently to sermons to find a message for me.

When things are good?

I totally backburner Him.

I don't mean to, I just get caught up in how good things are and since I don't need anything, I don't pray to ask for things.

But this week I got a swift reminder that my job as a Christian is to always work on my relationship with God. Our preacher asked us how we can say we have a close, personal relationship with Him, when we don't spend time with Him. Very true. I've never managed to stay close friends with people that I didn't make the effort to talk to and hang out with.

It's also my job as a Christian to pray for others. Just because right now I'm not personally going through a trial (believe me it's coming..), I need to remember that others are. I have some friends going through very tough times right now. A friend that is separated from her husband and has two young kids, a friend that is struggling big time financially, and a friend who just lost her beloved son. It is my job to lift them up to the Lord daily, no constantly, in prayer.

I struggle a lot with my prayer life. I have the attention span of a flea and nine times out of ten I lose focus about eighty times while in prayer. I think of things that need to be cleaned, or work stuff, or what Baby Girl needs. That's not cool. I really need to work on having my prayer time be my quiet time with just Him. I need to focus.

Because while things are great right now, my trial is coming. It always does. I need to be constantly praising Him for the good things He is working in my life.


Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

I'm a lot like this in regards to prayer - I lose focus and my mind wanders, especially during the communal prayer during church. I struggle with some of the same things - forgetting about prayer when things are going well and putting stuff on the backburner. It's when I'm struggling that I'm constantly praying!

Kassie said...

I'm VERY similar. When something is bad, I pray constantly, and it and other things too. But when things are wonderful? My praise seems to fall by the wayside. I struggle with my quiet time quite a bit!


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