I know, I know, hold the applause.
Sunday, January 23rd:
Mr. P had to work, but BG and I decided to get up and head to church on our own. Until this little one fell asleep and was a cranky pants when I tried to wake her. So we didn't make it, but I did make her do a little photo shoot in the dress her great-grandma gave her.
Monday, January 24th:
This kid winds up in the funkiest positions. Right after I moved her foot, she stuck it back through. Might hurt if she tries to roll over..
Tuesday, January 25th:
Mr. P had to work late so once I got the babe in bed, I decided to do a little "Mama pampering". Nice...
Wednesday, January 26th:
When Mr. P got home from work, we decided to walk over to the park in our complex. BG was so excited to show him how she can go down the little slide by herself.
Thursday, January 27th:

Pajamas at noon? Such a good day.
Friday, January 28th:

Apparently BG thinks the door stop is better as a toy which is why she decided to pull this one. out. of. the. wall. Super fun.
Saturday, January 29th:
Our backseat on our trip down to Savannah.
Sunday, January 30th:
It was my Grandpa's birthday and we happened to be in Savannah to help him celebrate. I'm pretty sure BG has replaced me as the darling child.
Or was I ever the darling child?!
Monday, January 31st:
Baby booties!! BG & her little bestie got to have a playdate while we were home. Don't you worry, there are plenty more pictures where this one came from!
Tuesday, February 1st:
We stopped in Columbia to let the pups stretch their legs on the way home. While we were stopped, BG decided to practice her driving skills. Of course we thought it was just about the cutest thing ever.
Wednesday, February 2nd:
Our sick day. I realize this picture is super blurry, but look how cute she is! I love her smile!
Thursday, February 3rd:
BG eating eggs for the first time on her ten month birthday. She loved them.
Friday, February 4th:
Check out BG's fierce outfit. This is what happens when you put her in play clothes that you realize are way too short. Just add leg warmers and socks. She's totally rocking this look...
Saturday, February 5th:
44 weeks. Tear.
And apparently she is over these photoshoots. Tough luck kid. Lucky for her she only has about 8 more weeks. (?!?!??!)
Oh my, how did you ever get your dogs to behave around her? Mine could never ride in the car w S. I am impressed!
Love all the photos!
Also love that she is sleeping in a weird position in her crib. My mom said I'd sleep weird when I was a baby too & I still sleep in the weirdest positions ha!
Hope you had a good weekend!
Oh my goodness, I don't know which picture I like the best. They're all so stinking adorable! Keep up the great work!
I love the picture of your dogs sitting next to BG in the back seat! They seem so well behaved. I hope you had a great weekend!
I love her reaching in those sweet snowman pj's! She is absolutely precious!
I'm concerned that BG isn't naked on Sunday. And, that you are Britney Spearsing it and letting her drive. Do you have shoes on? did you go in a public bathroom?
She's too cute! I love love love the leg poking through the crib :)
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