A week after the loss of my Grandma, our dear family friends lost their daughter. So to say 2012 has been a bit of a doozy so far would be quite the understatement.
Obviously I'm a bit behind on the 'ol blog so let's back it up a bit shall we?
Warning you now, there is an insane amount of pictures in this post. But I'm so glad to have them so there on here. K.
We ended up going to Savannah for Christmas this year. I was really torn on this as I have always said that when we had kids, we would always do Christmas at out house. But this year was special because of how sick my Grandma was. Now? I am so glad we had that time with her.

We headed down there on Friday after we did our little family Christmas.
On Christmas Eve, my grandparents neighbor and a dear family friend came over to bring BG a little surprise.

To say she enjoyed it would be putting it mildly.
Mr. P, BG and I went back to our old church for the Christmas Eve service that night. Unfortunately they didn't have a nursery, so BG and I spent most of the time out in the lobby with the other toddlers and their parents. It was good catching up with some old friends though! Mr. P was nice enough to come out there with her for me to hear the candlelight hymns. Those are my favorite.
Christmas morning we woke up at Aunt P's house and then headed back over to my grandparents house after a quick little pick me up.

I kid.
My Aunt and Uncle and their grandson were coming in from Texas that morning so we let BG open a few presents but wanted to save most til they got there.

Finally the rest of the family got there. Then the kiddos both passed out for hours. This girl was dying to open presents.

And I do mean me... Big kid.
While the kiddos napped, we adults did our gift swap.

The pile waiting on the kids. Spoiled much?

Finally the kiddos were awake. Bring on the presents. Unfortunately, BG was beginning to not feel so hot by this point. Looking back at the pictures, it's obvious how terrible she felt. Poor baby...

Little Man Skyping with Nonny and Pops.

My best friend brought her little girl by for a bit for a quick visit.

It was such a perfect day. I am so glad we got to have that time with most of us all together. I wish my parents and brother had been able to join us though.

Sweet babies...

Eventually we were all spent. So we headed back out to Aunt P's house for the night only to get up and do it all again the next day.
to be continued....
Awww, these pictures are adorable! They made me smile. :)
Your daughter is so adorable! My daughter Logan had the same Anavini red Christmas tree outfit this year. So cute!
She is so sweet and happy! It looks like y'all had a great Christmas!
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