Searching and searching for the perfect gift for your little one and finding it.

Which we totally did.

Although it wasn't the play kitchen that I researched and shopped for for months. It was a tiny 13 inch Abby Cadabby doll that I bought to go with the Elmo doll I picked for her. And that tiny 13 inch Abby doll was the hit of Christmas.

It really is the little things isn't it?
This video is really long and is more for us, but check out the beginning. You can see her excitement upon walking in to see her gifts. And you can also see how quickly she finds Abby. She really does love that fluffy little creature.
Christmas was awesome. Playing Santa for my kid is way better than I ever thought it would be.
Is it bad that I'm already sort of excited for next year?

Watching BG walk from present to present, rip the paper off tiny piece by tiny piece, and smile at each new gift she received made my morning. Hearing her learn to say "Happy Birthday Jesus" made my holiday. Dang y'all... this parenting thing sort of rocks.

That smile? Says Family Christmas 2011 was a success. Yes.

I love her. Love those faces. Love love love.
christmas through a childs eyes is truly amazing! It makes parenting rock for sure :)
Isn't it funny how they latch onto something they you didn't think was any big deal? Also, your hubs is adorable with BG :)
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