This weekend was pretty awesome. At least the first two days were. We spent our entire "bonus day" packing the house which is a horrible way to spend a holiday if you ask me, but no one did so whatever.
But the rest of the weekend? Awesome.
Friday night I ran in my second 5k. I haven't ran in a 5k in years. Since April of 2009 to be specific. My friend Stacy and I have been training for this for weeks and it was finally here.
The race didn't even start until 10 that night but Mr. P and BG still tagged along for support. She was thrilled about that. Can't you tell?

Stacy and I didn't plan very well so I didn't meet up with her until we were waiting at the starting line. I was so stoked to have a few friends to run this race with even though we didn't end up sticking together for the whole thing. I'm just glad we got to run this together before I moved since we've been looking forward to it for months.
The race started off great. The good thing about running at ten at night is that it is a good bit cooler. There was a slight breeze that was helping to keep the humidity at bay which was also nice. Most people were out there just to have fun so it was a very relaxed feeling and I was loving it.
At the halfway mark I started feeling the effects of already having worked a ten hour day in heels that day. My legs just ached, but I managed to push through to just over the two mile mark before I had to take a quick breather to stretch it out. My legs were on fire.
I was pleased that I was still able to breathe so well but I was just plain frustrated with how sore my legs were. Fortunately my determination kicked in after a quick stretch and I managed to finish strong.
I did start my sprint to the finish a little far out and was dying by the time I actually made it to the gate. Oh well, don't care. I finished! And in 33:46. My goal was to finish in under 34. Check!

My girl went home with Stacy and her family that night so that Mr. P and I could get up early the next morning for a garage sale. BG got to play all night with her bff and then go out for breakfast and run errands with some of her favorite people. She didn't even want to stay with us the next day when they dropped her off. Nice.
Mr. P and I got up Saturday morning at five after getting in at midnight to host a garage sale. We are crazy people. Fortunately it ended up being worth our effort and I managed to squeeze a three hour nap in that afternoon when BG got home. It worked out.
That night, we headed back over to Stacy's house for the Clemson/Auburn game. Though honestly, could have cared less about that game, but I do love a good reason to get together with friends and let the kids run around like crazy people.

It makes me one sad panda to be leaving these people. These relationships. But I am so, so thankful that we've had times like these before leaving. Memories have been made and we're leaving a piece of our hearts here. That's okay though. That just means we'll be making many, many trips
Your run pace is so similar to mine! good work momma!
Awesome job on your 5K!!
The picture of the two kids hugging is so cute!
Congrats on the race!!
awesome job on the 5k!!!! I love the pictures of BG and her friends...too cute!!! I hope everything goes smoothly with the move!!
Ok, I want to run with you, that's a pace I'm talking about! Glad you got to spend some sweet time with friends, though I know it was very bittersweet.
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