Thursday, February 3, 2011

because it makes me smile

My brain is pretty useless today as I've got a teething(?) babe in my house that doesn't want me to sit down. Or accomplish laundry. Or do my hair.

So I'm spent.

Instead of trying to form sentences, I'll attempt to distract you with two videos that just make my heart smile.

BG loves to blow raspberries..

..and BG and her Daddy playing around while we were in Savannah last week.

Can you believe that precious girl is ten months old today?! Where is the time going???


Jessica said...

i can't wait to squeeze her!

Day Old News said...

She's so cute!!

lg2006 said...

That is so cute !Piggles went nuts when he heard that video and started stomping around in his saucer!


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