Yea I barely do. But I've still been taking my photos, just not posting them so let's play a little game of catch up shall we?
WEEK 15:
Sunday, April 10th:
It's really easy to take pictures of this child. Such a joy.
Monday, April 11th:

Ready for her first pool day of the year!
Tuesday, April 12th:
BG and I enjoying cuddling together for her last bottle. Sigh...
Wednesday, April 13th:
We had Baby Girl's one year check up (post to come someday) on this day and after we took her to the park to play. Mr. P captured this photo of what a gorgeous day it was.
Thursday, April 14th:
We took BG to see the Easter Bunny for the first time... She was not a fan.
Nor was she a fan of these ears we tried to make her wear.
Friday, April 15th:
Such a ham..
Saturday, April 16th:
This is the face that I get to wake up to each day. She is such a joy.
Sunday, April 17th:

Just a swingin'....
Monday, April 18th:

The bff came to visit and we spent some time at the pool. BG wasn't a huge fan of being "trapped" in a float, but hung out in it for a few minutes.
Tuesday, April 19th:
Wednesday, April 20th:

**I don't even know how I managed to snap this picture as these two are NEVER still!!**
BG and I headed into town to spend the day with Anne and Mac. I am so glad I'm getting the chance to know Anne better because she is such fun to be around. We did lunch and then spent the majority of the day talking while the kids played. It was so easy to be around them that we had a hard time tearing ourselves away at the end of the day. We can't wait to hang out again.
Thursday, April 21st:
Once again.. no photo. But in my defense this week was insane. So please forgive me Project 365..
Friday, April 22nd:
Mr. P trying to get BG settled down and into her jammies at the in-laws. She was NOT having it. She's trying to climb up him and get away. With her jammies still not buttoned.
Saturday, April 23rd:
Playing at the stairs at her grandparent's house.
Sunday, April 24th:
An Easter photo shoot outtake. Someone thinks it's funny to pull up her dress. I thought we grew out of this months ago!
Monday, April 25th:
Tuesday, April 26th:
Sweet, sweet girl..
Wednesday, April 27th:
Skyping with her Nonny and Pops.
And no.. I'm not letting her eat that entire thing of Puffs, but it's the only way she'll stay still for five seconds!!
Thursday, April 28th:

My tv watching buddy. Or tv sleeping buddy. Whatever.
Friday, April 29th:
AKA: Wedding day
We took BG on her first "hike" (aka we wanted pictures outside) after the wedding was over. I just love this picture of her checking out the waterfall. She loved it.
Saturday, April 30th:
Somehow this is the only picture I took this day. Yet one more adorable outfit that BG is too big to wear for the summer. Sigh. Guess this one is going on Ebay. Let me know if any of y'all want it first though! It's 18 months.
the serving size on puffs is like 70 pieces so you could give her the whole bowl... haha... I actually just pour a pile out about that size on a picnic blanket for my two girls (2.75 and 10.5 months) to wage war on... its a LOT easier than playing portion control...but that's probably mostly the "second baby" mommy in me... haha
and thats 2.75 years, not months... I didn't proof read, whoops!
Awe I always love seeing pix of BG she always makes me smile! Hope your having a great day! xx
Love the Skype picture, that is too cute. The look on her face in the hike picture is priceless. You've got some great pictures.
precious pics :) love them!!
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