I find the whole idea of babies coming out of cabbage a tad creepy (and a whole building for this!?), but I'm all for taking one for the team so my daughter got to go. She better love me.

I have to say, pretty amazing. They were setting up for Christmas so the trees and all had been pulled out but weren't decorated. We were there on a weekday, so we pretty much had the place to ourselves.
BG wasn't sure what to think of at first. We walked through some of the front rooms and checked out the dolls that were worth thousands of dollars. This girl had checked out the prices of the dolls before we went. I was not about to let BG get her toddler hands on a doll that I would have to pay two hundred bucks for!
Once you get to the back of the hospital, you get the chance to watch a baby be "delivered". AP and I watched as this college age guy (poor soul...) came out to perform the delivery. I could not stop laughing. AP was horrified but y'all, they come out. of. cabbage. And the jokes? Oh my soul.

BG wasn't sure what to think. However, once the "doctor" took the baby off to be "measured" and "weighed" and stuff, she was fascinated. She took off to the window and just stared and stared. Every now and then she'd look back at us adults that had gathered and just smile. She was loving it!

BG and another little girl that were there got to name the baby. Her name is Ella Marie. BG picked Ella. Duh. It's one of the only names she can say ;). The other little girl that was there picked Marie. So if you go and adopt little "Ella Marie", we named her. Fun huh?
After she was "cleaned up", the doctor brought her out for the girls to hold. Oh my sweet soul is there anything sweeter than this?

I was afraid that BG wouldn't give the baby back (this is one of those two hundred dollar dolls y'all) or that I would soft Mama heart the situation and buy the dang thing if she cried, but she didn't; she was such a big girl as she handed the baby back. When did she get so big?!

Once she finally tore herself away from the window, we walked around a bit more and checked things out. BG had to go up to each doll and say "baby!", so it took a while for us to see everything.

And just in case you thought I was awful for not letting her "adopt" a baby of her own...

That's right. We did it. BG's the proud Mama of a baby girl named Sonja Irene. We call her Suri.

All in all, such a fun day. Totally worth the drive down. The best clue that the day was a success?

In five minutes. That's a record y'all.
That is SO cute. I hope she enjoys her 'baby.'
I actually didn't know they had an actual building where kids could adopt a doll. That's pretty cool.
I have VIVID memories of my mama taking me here when I was little. Except she didn't buy me a "fresh from the patch" doll, which I;m still bitter about to do this day. True story. :) What a fun little adventure with your sweet BG!
At first I was thoroughly creeped out by this concept but seeing BG with the doll made me swoon!
agreed on cpk dolls being slightly creepy as an adult, but i had one or two when i was little and i LOVED them! she is just too precious with her doll, i LOVE it :)
I LOVED my CP dolls. LOVED. though I do not believe they cost $200. SHe is adorbs. The thought of the high school boy being the Dr makes me giggle and think--he can't wait to get out of that town.
I always wanted to stop there when we were in NGA!
Is it wrong that I want to go to get one for ME?!?!
What a fun trip!!!!! BG looks like such a proud mama!!!!! I love it!!!
that looks like so much fun! I didnt even know something like that even existed good to know for a future trip sometime.
Isn't that the cutest..BG loving on the babies! I must saw seeing a cabbage birth a baby does deserve some giggles. I bought BB a cabbage patch before LB was born, but he hasn't paid attention to it at all. Oh well.
Such a fun place!! I used to LOVE my cabbage patch doll. BG looks so adorable loving on them!
This is so cute! Looks like a great day.
I have never heard of this place, but talk about cute!
I still have my cabbage patch doll from when I was little. She was named Laurie and I slept with her every night!
If I ever have a baby girl, I want to go here!
Looks like she had the BEST time! So cute that she got to adopt her own. Priceless :)
P.S. Now I wanna have a girl! Thanks, Meg!
That is the coolest place ever!! I want to go!
She's so adorable. Both of them. Sounds like a great time.
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