I hate waking BG up in the morning to get her there in time. I also hate being away from her all day and having her come home overstimulated and overtired some days.
But I love that she is learning and drawing and making little friends which shows her growing social skills. And I really love that she gets to be involved in fun things like Christmas programs that I can attend and take way too many pictures of.
Last week, BG's school put on a program for the kiddos. It was a "pajama party" of sorts where the school headmaster lady read them all a Christmas book with songs thrown in.
We went ahead and hooked BG up early with her Christmas jammies and some amazing new kicks to wear for her first performance.

That would be her "I really, really like Elmo, but I'm not so sure about the little dude on my feet" face.
The older kids did most of the program which was pretty cute and sort of hilarious. Way too many children, but they behaved well. I kept finding my mind wandering as I tried to figure out how in the world I became old enough to have a child in one of these things. I still remember being in these programs.

Finally it was time for the little ones to come out for the last two songs. BG walked out with her teacher Miss B and was in awe. Check out her face!

We were on the front row (duh), so she saw us immediately and tried to make a run for it. Thank goodness all it took was us asking her to go back to her teacher and she did. Love that girl.

Y'all she did so good!! Obviously she was pretty much frozen and spent most of her time staring out at everyone, but she stayed up there and behaved and, oh, I am so proud!
Then it was over and the girls in her class headed back with their teacher for pictures where two of them melted down and my always cool, laid back kiddo sat on the couch and waited for the others to cool it and say "cheese". Nothing about the night phased her.
Cross that one of the "Mommy Bucket List"; I've officially been to my daughter's first school "play". And loved it.
She is so precious in her PJ's! That tree is so beautiful.
So darn cute in those PJ's!
OMG those PJs are TOO cute!!!
How cute is she? Love those PJs!
I LOVE that they wear pajamas! Adorable! Any program that they don't cry or freak out is a success to me :) BB froze at his and just stood there the whole time.
That is so cool that they wear pajamas to the play. Morgan who is 18 mths was in her play and they did little angels.
This is the cutest thing ever! Kiddies in jammers at Christmas = perfection! I can't wait until Fenn can get in to daycare ( currently on the waiting list!) because he really needs that socialization too!
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