I'm kind of in awe that I'm writing a look back at 2011 when I can
distinctly remember just writing 2010s. This is insane. So for grins and giggles, lets look back shall we? I loved doing this in
2009 and
2010 so here we go again.
This year was kind of a doozy. And to be honest? As it ends, there is still so, so much up in the air. I'm actually ready for 2011 to be over. I'm going to need some answers and some closure in 2012, please and thank you?
But at the same time, 2011 was sort of awesome. So many changes. Some good, some bad. It will be interesting to see what happens next...
We started the year quietly, in our tiny little apartment, just the three of us and the pets. I set some
2011 goals, that I didn't do too bad on. Could always do better, but at least it wasn't a total fail. My little one turned
9 months old. I started
Project 365. We had our first
snow day which was HUGE to this Georgia girl.We ventured to
the park for the first time and the little one got to check out the swings which she
loved. I got to meet one of my
favorite bloggers in person and began what has become an "in real life" friendship. We
headed down to Savannah for a
big 'ol visit home.
BG had her
first real sick day. Boo. BG turned
10 months old. We celebrated the
little's first Valentine's Day. BG and I had a couple of really fun
park play dates.
BG and I made the
trek up to Maryland with Uncle Marine to spend some time with
Nonny and
BG turned
11 months old. As BG's first birthday drew closer and closer, I got all kinds of reflective about my
first year with her. We went on our first family trip to the
zoo. BG and I went to Savannah for her
first St. Patrick's Day and had an absolute blast. I spent the month
getting ready for BG's first birthday and trying not to lose my mind. I got to meet
Anne for the
first time and begin another great friendship thanks to blog land. I decided it was time to get the baby weight off for good and joined Weight Watchers.
My sweet, sweet girl
turned one. We threw
an amazing party to celebrate the first year of her life and were surrounded by our amazing family and friends. The little started taking some hesitant steps. Mr. P and I struggled to find our family a new
church home in our new state. We celebrated BG's
second "first" Easter. BG and I got up really early to watch
THE WEDDING. We went down to Georgia for a
big 'ol celebration of April birthdays with AP's family. We took our
first family hike.
BG turned
13 months old. I celebrated my second
Mother's Day. BG
started walking more and more! Mr. P and I celebrated our
sixth anniversary.
We moved. Again. Mr. P celebrated his
34th birthday. BG and I headed down to Georgia to go to the
aquarium with family and also got to
meet up with
Lyndsey and Tracy and their sweet kiddos. My family came up to celebrate
Memorial Day with us in South Carolina. I hit
eleven pounds down thanks to Weight Watchers.
BG is now
14 months old. We headed south to BG's
buddy's birthday party and then north to a wedding all in
one weekend. Mr. P celebrated his second
Father'sDay. We found out my sweet Grandma had stomach cancer. I took a
leap of faith and began taking pictures of people that were not my family. I went back to
work part-time.
We traveled down to
Florence to spend some time with Uncle Marine as he began to get ready to head overseas again. BG is
15 months old. We had an incredible
Fourth of July weekend. We checked out the
splash pad for the first time. BG's fierce
love of accessories and all things "girl" exploded. We switched BG to forward facing in the car and she LOVES it.
BG is now
16 months old. We did whatever we could to survive the
hot summer days. I continued to
lose weight slowly but surely on Weight Watchers. We went to a
"Princess Night" and BG loved it big time. I left BG for the first time to head home for my
high school reunion and my Mom came down to hang out with her for the weekend.
17 months. Hold me. I turned
29. Hold me again. We took BG to see
Sesame Street Live. Mr. P and I had a long overdue
"date day". Mr. P traveled to Orlando for a week for work. We headed to Savannah for a
second birthday party and some family time. I went to a "tweet up" in Atlanta and got to meet one of my blog
"besties" for the first time.
Uncle Marine headed back
overseas. BG's sitter went back to work and she started attending a
"real" daycare for the first time. I also redid her room to a big girl room. The little is now
18 months old. We ventured to the
pumpkin patch. We let BG attempt
pumpkin painting for the second year in a row.
We went to
Boo in the Zoo. BG got her first
ear (double) infection. We ventured to another
pumpkin patch (
and another). We
celebrated Halloween.
BG and I checked out the
Balloon Festival here in town. She turned
19 months. We checked out
Cabbage Patch Land with AP. BG got
diagnosed with Reactive Airway Disease. BG and I made another
Savannah trip. We had a nice, quiet
Thanksgiving just the three of us. We got to spend some time with my Dad, Mr. P's parents and Mr. P's cousin who lives overseas and his family
Thanksgiving weekend.
We kicked off the Christmas festivities with our town's
Christmas Tree Lighting and Christmas parade. I now have a
20 month old. We went to
see Santa. We picked out our perfect (?)
Christmas tree. BG had her
first hair cut. BG had her first
Christmas program at school. We celebrated Christmas here a
few days early and then headed to Savannah for a few days. BG came down with RSV and Mr. P is battling some sort of yuckies. It's New Years Eve and I'm watching tv and drinking some wine while my sickos rest.

2011 is done son. Looking back, it's been an amazing year. I am ready for 2012 though. Bring on the clean slate!
Happy New Year to you all!
Your sweet girl has grown up SO much this year! Unbelievable. So thankful for your precious family. Happy New Year!
Not to be super-vain, but I LOVE each outfit you have on in all of your pictures. You're gorgeous!
You have a beautiful family and I love this recap!!
beautiful family. Love the reflection.
Fabulous recap, and merry 2012!
PS - that photo of BG coming down the slide with that big ol' smile just kills me.
Okay, don't take this the wrong way, but wow! You have transformed since January! You look amazing girl! And BG is CUTE as always! I hope 2012 is easier for you. :)
I cannot believe how much she has grown up this year. That is just crazy!
And you, WHOA, lady! You became a skinny minnie this year. Looking zexxy!
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