It's Christmas. And I lurve it.

At the beginning of the month, Mr. P and I took BG to see our town's Christmas tree lighting. It was kind of iffy thanks to a toddler who was dangerously close to past her bed time, two adults that had just worked a long day and a jazz band that just would not quit playing; but we went, and we survived.

Yes. That would be me begging her to behave.

And her little face when that tree lit up?

Priceless. We might just go again next year.

Santa showed up. We decided to use this as a little practice session for when we go see Santa for "real".

Didn't go so well. But we laughed because isn't that what parents of these little people are supposed to do? And because that face is hilarious. Let's be serious.

That Sunday I took BG to the Christmas parade while Mr. P went to work. I was a bit nervous as she tends to be balls to the wall insane most of the time and I had visions of chasing her through a marching band dancing through my head. But she was amazing. Sat right in my lap and "oohed" and "aahed" as everything went by.

We even managed to catch a few pieces of candy. Win.

All these Christmas activities are so much more fun with her around. Even though she still doesn't "get it" and sometimes I swear she's trying to stress me out because I so want her to enjoy it and she doesn't seem too.

Then I remember her gasp as that city tree lit up. Or she says "Chee" when we start talking about Baby Jesus and the real reason for Christmas. And I get it. She's getting this. It's fun. It's Christmas.
It is so fun to watch the little ones light up at the simple things. Oh and I love crying baby pics with Santa...that just made my day.
I love all of your pictures!! I know I say it every time, but she is just so, so cute. I am glad she is having such a fun time. Christmas is a million times better with kids. : )
That tree is beautiful!
Seriously she could not be any cuter!!
Her little face is just priceless!!! And I love the pictures of her in the lights...I've got to do that with my girls!
Her facial expressions are hilarious. And she is so cute! Beautiful pictures, too!
She is so cute and getting so big. Gotta love the pic with Santa. haha :)
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