My plan was to drive us out to a Christmas Tree farm, look around, take tons of pictures and then hit up Lowes on the way home and buy one. Because that's how we do. And I'm cheap. And Christmas tree farm trees are not cheap.
But.... that didn't happen.
Well, I didn't drag us out to a tree farm for pictures (which could still happen..), but we did hit up Lowes and got us a tree.
BG was super excited to pick out her tree. Or she was super excited to wear the awesome hat I got her out of the Target dollar bin. One or the other.

We walked around for a little bit while we

It was perfect. It was full and tall and

Well then we got home and found that it's trunk was crooked. And Mr. P cut a good two feet of it off. So now? we rock a Charlie Brown tree. Which is fun in it's own way.
We dragged out all the Christmas ornaments and waited two days for the tree to fall and Mr. P to put lights on it. Finally, it was time to decorate.

This little creature got to put the first ornament on. She was pretty proud of herself too.

Charlie Brown tree and all... I think it turned out perfect.

Last year we ventured out to a tree farm because it was a client of Mr. Banker...but this year we went the easy route and he went to Costco by himself to pick up the tree during the boys' nap!
Those are some sweet pics of you and BG!
I am so jealous of your real tree. We have do do artificial...Gary's allergies are so bad.
It is so pretty! Looks like you guys had a fun time!
I love your CB Tree! And we are also BIG FANS of the Lowes/Home Depot tree. $45 for an 8 footer? Yes, please, and thank you! One year we tried to go to the fancy tent near our house b/c we only had a sedan and didn't want to drive far w/ it tied to the roof... NINETY DOLLARS for a tiny 5 foot tree. Nuts on a stick, I tell you! We were off to Home Depot in 5 minutes flat, sedan and all.
Such a cute story. And the tree looks beautiful!
I love your Charlie Brown tree!
This looks just like our tree, Charlie Brown style and all! We even got our tree from Lowe's too ;) Don't you just love having a real tree though? They smell SO good! You all did a fabulous job decorating. I am sure she had a blast helping out!
Oh my GAH she's so cute!!! Love her sweet cheeks! And love yall's tree! Fantastic!
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