Sunday, September 23rd: We decided that we needed ice-cream since it is still hotter than blue blazes here in SC. BG was okay with that decision.
Monday, September 24th: BG has been a little "off" the past few weeks. I think it's a combination of allergies and adjusting to the new routine of things. This morning, all she wanted to do was lay in my bed and watch tv. Who am I to say no to cuddles?!
Tuesday, September 25th: I feel like this is a picture she would "detag" on Facebook, but it's the only one I have from this day so..
Wednesday, September 26th: Being silly with my sweet girl.
Thursday, September 27th: Making some friends in her new town. Got to get this girl in some sort of program... She talked to this poor girl for at least ten minutes!
Friday, September 28th: It may be the end of September but it is still HOT in SC and BG is still rocking her rompers. Oh, and carrying her drink in her purse apparently. She does what she wants.
Saturday, September 29th: It's that dress again.... She would wear it everyday I tell you.
So cute... she's a doll.
PS... just read your post about being 30 and loved it. You have such great perspective about success & how it's so closely based on Happiness. Happy Birthday!
The human mannequin is so cute!
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