Tuesday, March 30, 2010

doctor update.

What a day.

I had another doctors appointment today. I was kind of dreading this appointment because I was TERRIFIED to find out how big she'd gotten. Last week she was 7 pounds 15 ounces, so we were thinking at least 8' 3 or so. Well.. not quite.

I mentioned I stopped my heparin shots last week. Now what we watch closely for is to make sure that my placenta stays healthy and that she keeps getting the nutrients she needs. So we go in for our ultrasound and the first thing she tells us is that my daughter is no longer in a great position for labor. She is laying with her back on my spine and she is looking straight up at the ceiling. Her head is still down (thank goodness), but apparently with her looking up like that, I'm in for quite the battle with back labor. Sounds super fun.

The u/s tech gave me a few tips for how to deal with back labor and then she moved on to measuring my perfect angel. Everything is still measuring great, except her abdomen. Somehow no matter how many times the tech did the measurements, she kept getting that Baby Girl had not only not grown at all since last week, but is actually measuring smaller. A whole pound smaller.


Everything else looks awesome though. She's still practicing her breathing, her stress test looks absolutely textbook (doctors words not mine!), she's still active, and her cord is still looking great. So. What to do?

Dr. S didn't want to send us straight over to the hospital because everything else looks great and theres always the chance that an u/s can be off even with how good my tech is and how many measurements she takes. My doc is VERY conservative and does not want her out before I turn 39 weeks. Frustrating. But... I guess it's best for her. So.. we're headed back in early Friday morning for another biophysical profile (u/s and stress test). If she still shows no growth by then, then it's straight to the hospital. We actually left today with strict instructions to watch her movement and call immediately with any slow down or any spastic movements and to bring our bags on Friday.


If she has shown an improvement in growth on Friday, then we'll definitely go in Sunday night at 5 and begin the process. So either way, this weekend, this show is hitting the road.

I'm very nervous now. I do not think it's a coincidence that she's showed a decrease in growth the week I stopped some of my meds. I'm just so scared that we're going to leave her in there too long. But I'm trying not to think about it. I just need to relax and get through these next two days.

If you think about it just drop a little prayer for my girl that she continues to be fine. I don't care what day she comes, I just want her to stay healthy until she gets here. Thank goodness I am still working. Otherwise I think these next two days would kill me...


No Longer Newlyweds. said...


Rest assured that your baby girl might flip over. Remember, Baby Allred was also facing up...for the longest time...and then he just flipped over one day! So, I hope yours done the same.
And, I am jealous that you have a date set...at least you have something to look forward to. We don't. =(
I emailed you.


Unknown said...

I hope everything works out for both of you.. I'm sure the doctors will make sure you are both safe and healthy. My prayers are with you! Also, 5 days before I delivered my daughter they told me she was about 6 lbs....she was born at 7lbs 7 oz...so they can be wrong sometimes!

Kassie said...

I am really sorry to hear that! I'll be praying that baby girl decides to listen to her mommy (just this once! :)) and flip the right way. Thinking of you!

Hayley said...

Will be praying that everything works out, I am sure it will.
This is just too exciting!!!

Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

I'll be thinking and praying for all of you!

Lindsey said...

I'm praying for you sweet friend. Hugs!

The Pink Chick said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers!!!

Fidgeting Gidget said...

Best of luck to you and baby girl! I've heard a lot of cases where measurements are off by a lot, so I hope that's the case with you and that all is well!

Annie said...

parying for you and your sweet baby girl!
i just looked at your previous post as well and you look great hun, so happy!! :)

d.a.r. said...

Eeeekkk she will be here so soon!!


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