BG decided pretty early on into our 10 hour drive home on Sunday, that she wasn't going to sleep much. So this is the face you got to see when looking in the backseat. She was pretty wired.
Monday, February 28th:
47 (?) weeks. I seriously cannot remember. Mom fail. Big time. But this is her weekly picture.
Tuesday, March 1st:

Playing around with my angel. This is my view whenever I'm sitting around on the couch. She pulls on me, pulls on what I'm looking at, crawls up on me, and I love it. She has to be into whatever I'm into.
Wednesday, March 2nd:
My little family after another park day. I love when the hubs gets to spend all day at home with us.
*Please ignore the baby bangs. Those suckers are OUT of control.*
Thursday, March 3rd:

I'm working on weaning BG off the bottle. Currently she's only taking a night time bottle. And this picture? is why I never want to give up that bottle. I love this time with her.
Friday, March 4th:
No pictures. Boo. I am not good at this!
Saturday, March 5th:

A little sneak peek of the party planning process...
She has just the sweetest face! I cannot wait to see all the party planning you have been doing. Can't believe she will be 1 so soon!
I swear she gets cuter every week :-)
Your baby girl is SO cute! My Babe is about three weeks older than BG so we are also in the party planning process.
Also, need some mommy advice: We've lived in the same place for 5+ yrs, but we are visiting a new church. We are not comfortable leaving Babe in the nursery (yet). Got any pointers? Thanks! :)
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