But it is. Thank goodness for Shutterfly.
I've used Shutterfly for my cards for years. For Christmas, Halloween, BG's birth announcement; they're my old standby because I heart them.

I pretty much loved our card last year. How could I not with such an adorable subject?!
I just started looking at all the designs they have for this year and holy wow. Which one will I ever pick?!
While I'm over there, I really should work on BG's first year photo book. And you know, start her second year. Those photo books are amazing. I can't wait to see how they turn out.
Bring it back home girl..
The good news? I have three codes for 25 FREE cards for three lucky readers. What do you need to do?
Simple, no hoops. Leave me a comment with what you are most looking forward to for the holiday season and that's it. I'll pick the winners on Tuesday the 1st.
LOVE Shutterfly!!
I'm looking forward to K actually getting into everything this year! Her first 2 Christmases she was too small to understand anything.
What am I looking forward to? Everything! Especially picking out my Christmas card design!
I am looking forward to celebrating with my two year old daughter. I think this year she'll really start to get into all the fun parts of the holiday!
I love the fooooood!
looking forward to my 2 year old son getting into his presents...he's very methodical when he open's presents so it should be interesting. that and seeing him and his two cousins ( 4 and 2.5 ) opening presents at my parents.
I am most looking forward to watching my son experience the holiday season!
I am looking forward to sharing this Holiday with our 13 month old twins and 7 year old daughter. We just want to enjoy our time togther!
I always use Shutterfly for my Christmas cards!!! I am looking forward to pretty much everything about Christmas, but most importantly spending time with loved ones.
Oh man, I love this time of year! I'm most looking forward to this toddler of mine during the Christmas season. He is so curious and loves to learn, so I can't wait to see him on Christmas day. Even just seeing him watch the snow fall and talk about it is amazing:) We'll also be doing some holiday service projects and taking him with us!
BTW-your little lady is adorable.
I love Shutterfly! I'm most looking forward to decorating for the holidays and spending time relaxing with family!
I can't wait for Molly to celebrate her first Christmas and see her first twinkle lights! :)
I love spending time with my family...and eating of course!!
Definitely looking forward to my son's first holiday season and dressing him up in warm sweaters. Maybe even taking a road trip to visit some friends :)
I'm looking forward to my boys' first Christmas and to my sister-in-law's wedding. I also love Shutterfly! :)
I am most looking forward to spending time with my family. Being a working mom is tough!
I'm not much of a commentor, but I've been meaning to tell you that BG is looking so much older in pics! I feel like she is really looking like a little girl now and not a baby. My Sawyer is 15 months and I cannot believe how quickly he is growing!
I am looking forward to Christmas lights. Love them. And I would love to win some cards!
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