Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I'm slacking on the blog front lately. My bad.

There is actually a ton going on and a ton I want to write about but for some reason I find myself sitting down and just staring at the computer waiting for words that just won't come. So I get back up and head off to do one of the eight million other things hankering for my attention. This poor space is getting back burnered and I hate it.

But at the same time, my heads in this weird fog so words probably wouldn't make sense anyway. We're going to see. Let the word vomit commence.

I cannot even believe how close to Christmas we are. As I stated earlier, it's a scaled back Christmas over here so lots of the activities that I see being had all over the blog land, are just not happening over here. Which is fine really, but in some weird way I feel like I'm missing part of the Christmas "fun". Which isn't true at all, but like I said, head = weird place.


We have, however, busted out the Christmas clothes and BG loves it. In fact, nine times out of ten she'll pick out Christmas clothes to wear over anything else these days. Good thing she has plenty of options. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if she doesn't even wear them all. That's ridiculous. I know.

While we may be a bit more low key this Christmas, we still managed to venture out to my father-in-law's church last weekend for their Living Christmas Tree program. I pulled a rookie move and somehow decided that BG would totally love all the music and lights and be an angel during the service and decided to take her. Her and her baby who she straight up wore in a sling straight into a super straight laced Baptist church. Fun. I'll let you figure out if we made it through the whole thing.

Hint: we didn't. We ended up in the overflow room where other harried looking Moms hid with their children. To which BG somehow escaped from the death grip I had on her most of the night and scampered off to find the main light switch for the room. Which she promptly switched off. And then on. And then off. And then.... well you get it. Once I found her, she was laughing hysterically and was in no mood to come down from that little high. It was a long night.

Note to self: she does not go to musical productions for at least two more years. Unless the main act is Elmo.

This age is still giving me a run for my money and I find myself praying for the day to end quite a bit. Then, when the house is quiet and the child is sleeping, I find myself aching to hold her and so I sneak into her room. Sometimes I get super brave and try to take her picture. That usually backfires when the flash wakes her and I spend the next thirty minutes trying to get her back to sleep. But the picture is always worth it. She's such an angel when she sleeps.


The other night I was laying in bed perusing the Internet when I saw that the annual Christmas parade back home was coming up. So I quickly texted the bff and a weekend trip was planned.

The morning after the debacle that was the Christmas show, I packed BG and I up and hit the road. It was a relatively easy trip though I made the mistake of telling BG where we were headed when we got in the car. Needless to say I heard "are we at Mrs. Stacy's house yet?" every five minutes the rest of the drive. In fact, I said "almost" so much that BG took to answering herself after a while: "are we at Mrs. Stacy's house yet?! ALMOST!!" followed by a fit of giggles. Good thing she's cute.

Besides her bolting out the door at the rest station and one small accident, we made it to Greenville unscathed. And then proceeded to have the best weekend with our people. You'll hear more later don't you worry.

Life is trucking along over here. I went back to work part time and BG is back in school while I work. It's so, so good for both of us. I feel a lot better and though drop offs have been a nightmare, BG is truly enjoying school and comes home all excited about what she did that day. We're figuring things out.

Life is good. The holidays are coming and though I'm still not sure exactly how they'll look this year, I do know I'll be with my favorite people on the planet which is what matters.


Lindsey B said...

My head is in that same place right now. And I am not a fan.

So glad you had a great weekend with good friends! So good for the soul!

Anna @ The Things I'm Learning said...

Those Christmas clothes are so cute! I secretly hope I'll have a little girl one day so I can dress her in cute clothes and polka dot shoes!

Callie said...

The of your girl are all so cute! How sweet that she loves her Christmas clothes so much too!

SEL said...

I love that she kept asking if you were at Mrs. Stacy's house yet. Too cute!!

Lucy Marie said...

I basically could (and did) write those same first 2 paragraphs today ... I have SOOOO much to blog about (hello, I still haven't shared ANY photos of our house and we've lived here for 4 months) .. but for some reason, I just haven't.

I hope you enjoy the next two weeks to the fullest. Scaled down or not, Christmas will be amazing for you :) xoxo


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