Total Weight Gained/Loss? according to last doctors visit, up 10 from where I started, 15 altogether. I actually did much better than I expected, because y'all, I feel huge.
Maternity Clothes: Thankfully I work in scrubs and pretty much live in workout gear, or this would be a problem. See, I've only bought a few pieces and they are all I can wear comfortably. I think Mama needs to go shopping....
Sleep? Sleep has become quite the process. I start out on my left side and then Baby Girl heads to that side to practice her dance routine, so I switch. Once I switch sides, I need to pee, so I get up to do that. Get back in bed and lay on my side. She decides to play again. So I switch sides. She plays on that side, I debate whether I need to go to the bathroom again. Basically, we do this for about 2 hours before I am so exhausted and she is too and we both fall asleep. Someone needs to teach this kid that just because Mama has the tendency to be quite the night owl, doesn't mean she needs to be the same way.....
Best Moment of the Week? This week we had a little scare. Not a big deal, but I'm a nervous Mom. You can set a watch by this child's movement and the other night at bedtime I felt nothing. Now that is not a normal routine for us, so I got a little nervous. I felt nothing all night either, even when I would get up to go to the bathroom. The next morning... nothing. So I called the doc and the nurse had me chug a cold can of soda and lay down for 30 minutes on my left side. I felt a few faint movements but still nothing like normal. So I drag Mr. Perfect (who was perfectly willing to go do anything I needed to do- love him) up to the docs office to check on her. No lie. The nurse put the doppler on my stomach and she went nuts. Kicking, rubbing up against the dopppler. I felt like a moron. But she's fine, and I got to hear her little heartbeat again which I always love. Knowing she's okay makes me feel a ton better.
Movement- all the time. She loves my bladder and she loves my right rib cage. Oh child... I do love you, but I swear you're bruising my insides!
Food Craving- I love me some food. That is all. =)
Food aversions- still hate meat and seafood.
Morning sickness?- none. But can we talk about this back pain?!
Gender- Baby Girl =)
Labor Signs- none.
Belly Button- hanging on by a thread. This monkey is huge y'all and the top half now seems to be making it's way out and looks like it has a bubble in it.
What I miss- Not feeling humongous. My belly is officially getting in my way. It's getting hard to sleep at night because I can't get comfortable. My back hurts constantly and my legs cramp up at night when I try to sleep. I miss exercise and I miss having energy. Oh well.... Just a few more months...
What I'm looking forward to- Now that my two best friends have their daughters here, I'm just ready for her to be here. But not yet little one.. you keep growing and get nice and healthy!
Weekly Wisdom- Try to relax... This really is the toughest thing I've ever put my body through and I'm having a hard time dealing with these new little aches and pains. Sometimes you really do just need to sit down and relax and realize you just can't do the same things you could before. It will come back someday...
Milestones- can we just call every week we get to a milestone?!?
I love these update posts! You look beautiful in your picture. Love that dress.
Your looking so preggy my friend :)
you look adorable sweets!!
pretty dress :)
Sorry you had a scare, but I'm glad she's thriving and doing well. I bet you were a bag of nerves. Your belly looks wonderful, and I love the dress you're wearing; it really compliments you!
My leg cramps have become unbearable this last week. I talked to the doctor yesterday and he said it was a circulation problem...that gets worse as the baby gets bigger...and happens mostly at night because as you lay down, your blood pools in your legs. So, he suggested sleeping in tight knee socks or compression hose to encourage more circulation. I slept in some pink knee highs and it was so much better. Try it!
You look great! My body is aching too...but just remember it will all be worth it when you get that baby in your arms! :)
While I am sure it's not comforting- you are right where you need to be, aches and all :) So glad girlie is doing well!!
You look fabulous! Do you have a body pillow? Totally helped me sleep!
You've only gained 15 pounds?! I feel like a horse. I'm 24 weeks along and have gained 18 lbs. Yikes.
I love these updates!! You look FAB!
I love these updates!! You look FAB!
i just came across your blog....hope your pregnancy goes well. You look great...hang in there!!!
Come by and say hello sometime!
Oh, I had my son while we lived in Georgia...he HATES when I call him "My Georgia Peach"
I somehow missed this post!! You look SO SO PRECIOUS! That dress hugs your sweet girl in all the right places ;)
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