Total Weight Gained/Loss? ...and I'm humongous. I know I've gained weight this week, but I'm being an ostrich and not finding out til my next appt. Yes, head in the sand is my go to approach to all things negative in life..
Maternity Clothes: Broke down and did some Internet shopping. Bring on the elastic waistbands! Pretty much all that is comfortable is yoga pants and dresses with leggings. Which is why I've gone into hibernation seeing as how it's ridiculously cold here.
Sleep? What sleep?! I can't breathe when I lay down anymore and when I sleep on my side, Baby Girl practices her tae bo on that side. Plus, we're back to the getting up every couple of hours to head to the lavatory. It's super fun. It's also why I now go to bed about nine each night. Oh the coolness overwhelms....
Best Moment of the Week? Her cradle is here and is set up in our room! It's getting real here y'all...
Movement- all the time. I would love to know what body part is in my ribs. That part could shift a bit and I would be fine with it.. She likes to move under my ribs on the right side, and way down low by my bladder on the left, and usually at the same time. This kid is taking up some space y'all.
Food Craving- sweets, and I am so not a sweet person. Sunday at dinner I had them box up my dinner in a to go box and I had dessert instead. I realize that is not going to be okay anymore in a few months, but I'm loving it now.
Food aversions- I'm getting better at eating a variety of stuff. I read that she can taste all the different flavors in the amniotic fluid and will start to develop tastes for it or something like that. Anyway, I'm determined that she's not going to be as picky as me, so I'm taking one for the team.
Morning sickness?- none.
Gender- Baby Girl =)
Labor Signs- I believe the Braxton Hicks have made their arrival. All of a sudden my stomach will get really tense and hard and oddly contorted. It doesn't hurt, and it ends pretty quickly. Guess the 'ol uterus has started it's practice sessions....
Belly Button- still in, but that bubble I mentioned last week? Gotten a bit bigger. And why does my belly button look like a moon crater?! It's huge. It practically needs it's own zip code.
What I miss- Being able to get up easily. Being able to breathe. My thighs being normal looking.
What I'm looking forward to- my first shower is in two weeks!! Is it ridiculous that I'm now stalking our registry to see what people get us?! I am such a two year old.
Weekly Wisdom- I have none. Is that bad?! But I am exhausted. That'll work... sleep. Whenever you can. You probably need it.
Milestones- one more week and we're in the 3rd trimester. Holy moly Batman. This is actually coming to an end....
Very fun and exciting time!!
Good times!! Congrats on coming up the 3T- and I totally did the same thing my registry ;) Cheers for all the milestones to come :)
I love how you outlined this all you will cherish this...what an exciting time!!!
You LOOK FABULOUS!! Hope your having a great week! XOXO
You look terrific! You're one of the lucky ones just getting bigger in the belly. Well done you!
Fun to read your other observations, and this will be a nice memento for you to remember what you were going through at each phase.
you look adorable! you just keep getting cuter :)
Yeah, it's amazing how similiar our experiences are....down to movement, cravings, pains, etc.
I survived my glucose test...barely. I swear she used a GARDEN HOSE to draw my blood. Ouch! I'm just hoping for good results so I don't have to do the GTT.
you look awesome mama!!!! So for the lack of sleep. I think we are on the same page on that and mine will only get worse!
Elastic waistbands will be your best friend lady!
I love that your blogging about this;)
I feel like we are all with ya, every step of the way :)
You look FANTASTIC!!!
Love you blog!!!
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