My aunt and my grandma threw the shower for me and they went above and beyond my expectations. The food was A-MAZING. Not surprising at all if you've every eaten my grandmother's cooking. The cake was adorable and the decorations were precious. Even my cutie little grandfather got in there and did some of the cooking. This little girl sure is coming into an awesome family.
We played a few games, both of which I was absolutely horrible at, ate a lot, and then it was gift time. I feel so blessed by the people we have in our lives. We were given clothes, gowns (which I think are way cuter than onesies), a Bumbo seat, a bouncer, her pack-n-play, a jumper, a first bank, a "gym", more clothes, a feeding gift set, her first Bible (awww and it's pink!), and so much more. I'll be writing thank you cards for months! Here's a few pictures of some of the gifts.
I am obsessed with stars. If it has a star on it, I will buy it. Great blanket choice Mom!
Horrible pic, but look at those jeans!
Seriously, the poor girl will never have anything to wear.
Teddy bear bank.
My mom gave me the dress that I came home from the hospital in oh so many years ago. I'm planning on Baby Girl coming home in the same dress. All sentimental and stuff. Must be the Mom bone making an appearance early.
My mom also gave me the blanket my grandmother made for me when I was a baby, to give to Baby Girl. I came home in this blanket as well.
Absolutely perfect shower. I seriously couldn't have asked for a nicer one.
Mr. Perfect's mom, me, and my mom.
With the hostesses- my Aunt P and Grandma.
Us with my family..
His family..
With my best friend since 5th grade- Bean. She was even nice enough to take all kinds of pictures for me. Thanks love!
Us... not too much longer til we're a family of 3! Can't wait!!
Great pictures, what a fun shower!! You are looovvveeeddd :)
Awe, how fun, you are looking fabulous girl!
What a fun shower! Such cute clothes for your baby girl. Love your outfit!
Ooooooooh giggle!!!! Everything is so pretty and pink - I love!!!!!
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