Every since people started blowing up Twitter about P*retzel m&m's, I have been on the hunt. Well, success has been mine people. I have found these little ditties at a couple of gas stations in town and I cannot. get. enough. I dream about these things people. I love you ladies of Twitter for bringing these to my life. I also curse you on behalf of my hips...

This week is super ridiculous at work. Most of our staff, doctors, etc. are at a conference in California. I am here. Lucky me, crazies everywhere. And there is no one to even pawn them off on. If my phone rings one more time...
Big, big things going on in le universe de Imperfect. Huge. Still haven't blogged about them, but if you follow me on Twitter, then you already know. I thank you for your prayers recently. Know they are definitely working!
I cannot stand country music. I don't know why. Okay, maybe it's not that harsh. I go through spells where I can deal with it and where I can't. Well now that BG is around, we listen to a lot more country music. Usually in the morning I let her watch music videos while she plays. And one video has made me fall head over heels for a country song...
Y'all. I pink puffy heart this video. I love Hootie. I love the views of the low country. I love how it makes me want to go outside and shake my hips. Love it.
Mr. Perfect has been home with BG for a few days and it is comical to come home too. I adore my hubs and he is an excellent father, but I think this many days in a row of a six month old are wearing on him... The other day when I got home, he looked harried as he handed a red faced BG off to me with the words "Here. Take your daughter". My daughter? Never good when he calls her that. I got him to admit that SAHM-othering is HARD. Poor boy. I think he needs a Daddy Day.
My dogs are still driving me crazy. They scratched all night. Nails on a
The VW is trying to get me to drive it off a cliff. Now the glove compartment won't shut. Little things but oh so, so annoying. And my alternator is bad. Come on foreign made crazy clown car! You're freakin' killing me.
My skin is out of control right now. I feel pasty and blah. It's like a week into fall. This is not good.
I think I am in love with the change of seasons. Right now I am totally digging this cooler weather. In a month, okay three since I guarantee Georgia is going to get hot again, I'll be complaining that I'm cold. I'm too hot, I'm too cold. I need year round spring and fall. Where is that?
I just watched the video of BG laughing three times today. I am obsessed with my child. Truth.
I need some new blogs to read (because I'm not behind enough in my Reader). If you have one, leave the link in my comments and I'd love to come check it out.
Here's hoping everyone has a great weekend! We're road tripping it a bit and I can't wait!
I am obsessed with my child too :)
That tidbits write out is so funny, you can come read my blog and watch the video on it about me, Complex, and thank you so much for watching, my music video "Rubber band Man"; follow me. I enjoy reading your blogs and I'd like for you to read mine.
I love fall and the low country! The bridges in Charleston are breathtaking!
Hey! I've been reading your blog for a while / stalking you a bit. You're entertaining enough to keep me awake at work! And for the record, you look adorable if your recent pictures you've posted so good for you!
If you're ever bored enough, I have a home blog
we went to high school together! We should get our babies together sometime!
Pick me! Pick me!
I follow you on Twitter too, ablansford0620 :)
And I am a change of seasons girl too! I know in a month or so I am going to be complaining like no other about how cold it is!
I love the change of seasons! And I know what you mean; right now everyone is all "I can't wait for the cool weather to show up and get out of this heat" but give it a few months and I'm sure it'll be "it's SO cold when will it warm up?". Human nature. lol. :)
I caved to the pretzel m&m's craze too and for the past month they have seriously gotten in the way of my weight loss too - ha! Haven't been on Twitter in forever...so busy and it's not working on my phone :( - so I feel so behind! I will have to go check out your news. And of course you're obsessed with BG...I'm a little obsessed with her and she's not even mine! She is soooo cute in the video. Well, she's always so cute...but especially in that video! :)
I want to know about parts of cars. Kindly help me in this matter. I shall be thankful to you. Car Parts
I have just recently found your blog (like 2 days ago!)and I think your daughter is quite adorable! I have a 7 month old son (and a 4 yr old) and I enjoy reading about other kids their age!
You can check out my blog at speerfamilyblog.blogspot.com
I feel ya on the pale skin. How are we just days into fall and I already feel like a ghost??
Also, love Hootie's new song :) In fact, I've loved all the country stuff he's released.
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