Til I noticed the tan lines on Sunday nite. Boo.
Mr. Perfect and I were supposed to be up there by 6:30 for dinner at 7 on Saturday nite. Saturday was her actual birthday so her mom, Jay, had planned a dinner for us, the kids (Mase and Lola), her, and her older sister. We knew we had to leave the house by 4 at the latest to get there on time.
I was still sitting around the house in a towel at four. I do not do well with a time frame.
The Mister of course put a fire under my butt to get me packing and I packed in record time. No idea what was in my bag but.. hey, I packed.
We got there at 6:45. Thank you Mr. Perfect for interpreting all speed zones as merely "suggestions" for how to drive. Thank you inventor of the seat belt for my peace of mind.
We had dinner at Jay's place of work in Charleston and it was super delicious. And we didn't even have reservations that we were late for. Jay lied about reservations to get me to town on time. Sometimes it helps to have a best friend that's known you since you were twelve.
Mr. P and Mason outside the restaurant.
We got to meet Jay's boyfriend at dinner. He's the manager of the restaurant; aka- her boss. Way to go Jay... His name is also Jamie. Boy Jamie and Girl Jamie. Kind of confusing. He's super nice and is so good with the kids, so he gets my vote. According to Jay he was really nervous about meeting "the BFF", but he passed with flying colors. Even the Mr. liked him, and he's way a tougher critic than I am.
Dinner was delicious. It was a pizza place with tons of different pizzas so the Mr., Jay, her sister Mandie, and I split four different kinds. Very pleasing. I was glad I wore my maxi dress to hide my bulging stomach!!
Nice face Lola...
We saved most of her presents for her big party on Sunday, but we did let her open a few....
Lip gloss. Just what every girl needs!!
We had ohsotasty cupcakes from Coldstone in lieu of cake. Just as messy though.
Jay & I at dinner
After dinner, Mr. Perfect and I drove Jay, Mandie, and the kids back to their house. I've already told the story of how that one 20 minute car ride may have forever killed my desire for children. Days later, I'm willing to put the option back on the table. But we will hide the GPS from said kids. I really did need a few minutes of peace after being in the car, so the Mr. and I drove to Target (which was closed) and then on to Wal-Mart. I would like to pretend we only went to refill my sanity, but that would be a lie. Remember how I told you I had to have a "fire lit under me" to pack? Well I didn't really do a great job. I didn't even pack underwear. Or a tank to go under my dress. Or my dress. Or pajamas.
Pretty much I packed a big 'ol duffel with toiletries. And only five of those.
So we headed to Wal-Mart so I could pack for the trip. By the time we got back to the house, everyone was already in bed. Score for some quiet time!!
Good thing I enjoyed it because Lola was up and at 'em at 5:30 in the morning. I didn't even realize there was a 5:30 am! I thought it just came around at nite!
Oh Lola.. I do love you.
Mandie, Boy Jamie, Jay, Mason, and I set to work early in the morning on decorating cookies for the party. We sent Mr. Perfect off on a quest to find helium for our balloons. He didn't disappoint! He brought a tank back to us!
Lola getting ready for her party..
Mr. Perfect, Jay, and I headed over to the park pretty early to set up for the party. It was barely noon and was hotter than blue blazes. Good thing I do love the South!!
The party was a complete success. The kids had a great time and even though it was really hot, there was a nice breeze that kept it bearable. Lola was a doll. Every time someone would ask her how old she was she'd say "two old" while holding her two fingers up. It was precious! She managed to stay awake and stay decently happy through the whole thing too. Surprising given her five thirty wake up and lack of a nap all day!
Jay & I at the party
The Mr. and I
Oh my heart... My Mr. P and our friend E's daughter.
The kids making goody bags with Mandie
Opening gifts...
Singing "Happy Birthday". Seriously, how cute is she?!?
Digging in!
Mase and I leaving the party. We were pretty spent at this point.
The Mister decided it was only fair to get Mase something since Lola would get so much so he picked up a small toy for him. I think he just wanted to buy "boy toys"! He will be such an amazing Dad!!
My baby girl and I
We really had a great time. The Mr. is AWESOME with kids so I'm way happy about that! He thinks it's funny that I've never really babysat or anything so my experience with them is so limited. That's okay. I'm more than happy to let him be in charge in this department!! And seeing him with Mase and Lola really does make my ovaries ache. I think I agree with you ladies.. when it's my kids it will be so different and so much better!!
Kudos to you if you made it to the end of this post... Impressive!
Oh, so beautiful! You, Lola AND Jay are all gorgeous. :)
Very nice pictures! Looks like you had a great time! :)
love the pics, lola is a doll!!
Looks so fun! :-) great pictures!
Lola is ADORABLE!!!! love the pics. you look so pretty and happy! :)
She is a beautiful lil' girl! Like the Gerber Baby :)
Ha! Ha! On the packing..I've done it. We've all done it...some more than others!I can not have fire under butt when packing.I miss stuff.important stuff.
Great Post! :)
Lola is so CUTE!!! And the photos of you & Jay are lovely.
Looked like such a fun party!
Saskia x
So stinkin' cute!!! I had a moment like that with my neices and I swore I would wait until I was 30 to have kids, but now I am back to thinking 25.
So cute! :) Fun pictures!
aww, she is so adorable! ;) looks like a fun weekend!
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