I think I'm good on the stir the pot posts for a while ;)
So for real, let's talk....

Okay, not that one (who regardless of that Duchess title is totally a Princess in my book). More along these lines..

Last night, our local Chick*Fil*A had a "Princess Night" where all the little girls wore their princessey (word?) best and made crowns and got their fingernails painted and pictures taken with other "princesses".
This former tomboy was much like a fish out of water as little girls ran by in play high heels and ball gowns and big girls walked around in prom dresses and tiaras to play the part of the princess. BG wasn't sure what to think at first and then she saw the big Princess cow and freaked out. So that was fun.
Fortunately it didn't take her long to calm down.
After we ate, BG decided she was okay with the situation and wanted to go get in the thick of things. We averted her eyes from the scary cow and went on to the back to make us a little crown and hang with the Princesses.
Pretty fun. She absolutely loved it.
As we were leaving, Mr. P looks at BG and says "we'll have to get you a real Princess dress for the next one".
I pointed out that her dress had princesses on it.
"It's not the same. She needs a real Princess dress" he informed me.
They are already ganging up on me. And I'm the one who spoils her?!
Aw. I love that princess dress she already has, but I say let daddy go ahead and do the spoiling.
Also, is it bad that this girly girl loves the idea of Chik-Fil-A and Princess Night? I'd wear my tiara for a Diet Lemonade any old day, let alone on Princess Night...
Hahaha! She's got him wrapped around her finger already! :)
She makes a wonderful princess!
How fun is this?? I don't think our CFA does this or I would certainly take B.
She's so cute in her "princess" dress :)
that is so adorable..I had to give you a little love on my blog today :) hope you're having a great day!
Aww I love it! I saw that they were doing a princess night at our local chic fil a and all I could think about as I patted my preggo belly was that I hoped Miss Brynley would like to go to a princess night with me sometime.
I am so blessed to be having a girl this time around (and I do love my little man too..) but I just can't wait to do all of the fun girly things!
I am so jealous!!! I want something like this around here for my girls! Little M and I are the opposite of you and BG though. I am the total girly girl and M just wants to watch Cars and Toy Story all day long. She's recently gotten into Tangled and I want to run out and buy her as many of the dolls as possible, haha
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