I've gotten comfortable enough up here and am in love with our little life here enough that I no longer long to be there every single second, but when something fun arises back home, I'm there.
So when I got a wedding invitation in the mail months ago, I quickly penciled "SAVANNAH!!" in my day planner faster than you can say road trip.
And road trip BG and I did.
A phone call with my girl Jess, some loud music, a sleeping toddler, and five hours in the car later, we pulled up to my grandparents (Papa's? ouch) house for the weekend.
Saturday was full. There was consignment shopping, mall shopping, lunch, and then my Papa and aunt offered to watch BG while I went to the wedding. Fun for me, but I warned them, it might not be as much fun for them.
See BG is not a nice toddler when she's super tired. And the fact that we got to town very late, followed by a mini party when we got there, and a days worth of shopping, leads to a not so pleasant BG.
My poor granddad was already worn out from chasing her around the consignment sale that morning. And by chasing I mean running after her after she found a car and a ramp and a good spanse of cement floor. Yes, it is every bit as bad as your imagining.
However, they insisted. So I packed up and went to watch my old buddy marry the love of his life. ::cue "awww"::

I returned home a few hours later to find a still wide awake and balls to the wall over tired toddler. Yay. And then, as if I haven't been a mother to this child for two years, I agreed to go out to eat with her. Sometimes I still act like a rookie.
We survived despite the fact that they didn't have high chairs and wild child had to sit in a booster seat on a cushioned bench (yes, there was a lot of bouncing and even more Mom not eating going on).
Then, just because I do love a challenge, I decided that BG and I should run by my best friend's house to hang out with her and her girl for a bit. Best decision ever. Not.
BG was asleep by the time we got there and was not impressed with being woke up. Not to be outdone, KP's daughter was also mighty unhappy about our 8:30 pm playdate.
Not my best decision.
However, the girls put their game faces on and rallied and KP and I got to talk a bit while they played with K's fish, played with baby dolls, stole K's Daddy's sherbert, and put on quite the concert.

None too impressed with the picture taking huh BG?

They took his spoon at first. Then he decided it would be best if they all three had their own.

Umm yeah.. No idea where that came from. Mom fail.

We got home late. Too late. So late that my now beyond tired child was in what I affectionately call "meltdown mode". So this happened..

After quite a bit of rocking and cuddling, she gave up and we hit up Dreamland. Only to hit the ground running again the next day.
I know better than to do too much with her. I do. I know she's almost two and in full blown tantrum area and yet, sometimes I can't help it and I push her too hard.
Trips to Savannah? I always push her too hard.
I told Mr. P that going home is becoming a trip that needs more than a weekend. I miss it so much and there's so much I want to do and so many people I want to see that I cram too much in. That always backfires.
And backfire it did. In the middle of Macy's. When my once upright, trugging through the mall toddler decided that she was done. That she simply wasn't going to take one more step. And then she laid down in the middle of Macy's and lost her everloving mind.
Good times.
Needless to say, our shopping trip got cut short.
We did manage to get lunch and check out the fish at the aquarium before we hit the road.
Only to stop on the way out at C's house. Like I said, cram too much in.

Fortunately, once we left C's, BG was comatose in the car and we made it home in only four hours. I'd almost forgotten what it was like not to have to stop on a trip. It is bliss.
Next time though? we're staying longer than a weekend. Although maybe we shouldn't because this weekend about did me in. Better rest up for St. Patty's when we do it all again!
My sweet E would never, ever have a meltdown in the mall! I don't know why you lie, mama! Ha! I kid! :) They are at that age. Thats what I keep telling myself. Your post always make me laugh.
You are hilarious, I love the way you tell a story!
You are a gluten for punishment huh? I kid. I do the exact same thing from time to time. Sometimes we just can't help ourselves!
oh my word...the cuddle picture is so precious!!
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