Staying home once we had kids was never on my radar. Ever. Then I had my little one and couldn't imagine not being with her every second of the day. I have to be honest. It it weren't for Twitter and blogs, I probably never would have given staying home a second thought. But suddenly it seemed to be the norm and I wanted my piece of that.
But that was not the case. So I went back to work right before BG turned two months old.

I would be lying if I told you that I was not happy with my decision 98% of the time. My income allowed us the freedom to do so much and I loved what I did. Plus, I only went back four days a week so I had three whole days just me and my girl. Add in that BG seemed to love her sitter and I was happy as a clam.
When we moved to SC, I no longer had that amazing job. So I ended up staying home with BG for a while. I will be honest; I loved it. And maybe one day, I'll do it again. But also? I battled some major depression. Days and days went by where I could see me losing myself (now to be fair, I was also in a new place with no friends so I'm sure that had a big part in my sads) in the day to day. I squandered so much time with her because I was always on the computer as my social life.
I did however, love that I got to see so many of her firsts. I loved being with her all day (usually). I loved seeing her grow up right before my eyes.
Then things changed again and I ended up back at work. Our "normal" did a complete about face.
While my job is nowhere near as dear to my heart as my one in Savannah way, I do admit that I love getting out each and having adult interaction. I love cracking up with my coworkers and talking about different things other than children. Yes, I miss my child terribly, but I'm completely confident in the people I've placed her care in.
BG is thriving at "school". I call it school because there is a curriculum and chapel, not just hours of playtime. She loves her little friends and asks for them all the time. She loves her teacher. She's learning so much and I love hearing about how well she does during the day. I can promise you that she is so happy there.
This works for us. I work part time again. I have three days with my kiddo and it's perfect. I don't think I could do a forty hour work week again because that would be too much time away from her, but that's my decision. No one elses. If you work forty hours and love it, more power to you. Rock on.
The whole SAHM/Working Mom debate is crazy cakes. We're all Moms. We're all doing our best to make it to the end of the day with our sanity (and our children) intact. If both of those are good at bedtime? then the Mom is winning.
Heck. I say I'm winning if at least the child is okay. There's meds for my sanity.

I'm reading this post while watching the movie I don't know how she does it. Have u seen it? The SAHM are evil tomthe working moms! Why? I don't understand that either!
Oh, I know what you mean. I actually wrote a post about my experiences with this a few weeks ago. I say do what works for your family and then move on. Same thing with the whole breastfeeding or formula debate.
Just minutes ago I posted about having to leave my 12 week old to go back to work next week. How ironic that this is the first post I see after that. It's reassuring to know that other moms go back to work and that ultimately it will be okay. I just hope that I'm not a hot mess all day my first day back!
Love that beach pic! I work full time but I think part time is ideal!
Exactly - everyone's just trying to do the best in life, why rag on them? Don't get it. Never will.
Also, I am 100% in agreement with you - I never would have entertained the notion of being a SAHM if I hadn't read blogs or gotten on twitter. Srsly!
You two are presh in the beach picture!
I love the 2 month picture. I forget that they were ever that small! Great post!
I am so glad that working part time works for you. I love it and think it is a perfect balance!!!
I think I would really enjoy working part time rather than full like I do now, but I don't know of a day care that does part time. I always thought I would want to stay home and I was very convicted that I would make sacrifices to do so, but then she was born (before she was ready or we were ready for her) and I think I just looked at things differently. I don't regret going back to work, and I'm not sure I would even want to stay at home all day really. Maybe that's bad to say out loud, but I didn't find much rewarding about counting down the minutes until I could hand her off to my husband, you know?
I'm glad Kelly had this as a topic since it seems like SO many of the bloggers out there are stay at home moms and somehow make it look ideal.
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