I freaking love it.
My girl AP said it best and hit the nail on the head with everything I think about this day in this post. Read it. Seriously.
Now moving on..
Yesterday was Valentine's Day. Duh.
BG had a school party and I had a mini "who the heck am I?!" moment as I sat on my couch on Monday night making Valentine's for her class the next day. But craft I did. And dare I say I think they turned out amazeballs. Thank you Pinterest.

We did cards and stuff with the little before school. Mr. P hit the ball out of the park with a stuffed monkey and a balloon. She loved it. He so knows his girl.
After we got her off to school, we did some stuff around the house before heading out for a nice, childless (holy heavens thank you God) lunch. The first one we've had since, well, I can't even remember. It's been that long.

We nixed our movie plans in favor of an afternoon on the couch watching Netflix.
AKA, this girl ate too much at lunch and wanted her yoga pants back. Mr. P sure is lucky he got this one I tell ya.
While we ate lunch, BG enjoyed her party with her classmates. A lot judging by the looks of the text I got from her teacher.

Yay sugar. ::insert sarcasm font::
Eventually I drug myself off the couch to pick up my sugar highed out toddler. We spent the afternoon dancing with that balloon, opening her Valentine's cards from her classmates, and getting really excited about each individual piece of candy.

I forgot to take a picture pre-cupcake painting, but how cute is her outfit?!? Thanks so much Ashley!!

Loving her cards. Like loving loving. And ignore the laundry in the back. K thanks.

All in all, a great day. A total win.
Like I said, I pink puffy heart Valentine's Day. It doesn't need to be super special and over the top, but a day where I get to focus on my absolute favorite people and eat lots of chocolate? I'm so there.

I loooovvveeee this!!! And you're right AP did a great job with that post!! I'm a velentine's day gal to the core!!! Glad you all had a great day!!!
Yay for Valentine's day!!!!!
That was a lovely post.
Nothing beats a cupcake all over your face!
Ive seen those little valentines all over pinterest so precious!
Love those valentines!!
Love her little outfit!!
And love her PB Kids chair!!
LovE that outfit so much..but not as much as that little babe in it :)
Sounds like a great day!
Ella looks so cute in her Valentine's outfit! I'm glad you all had such a great day together. Girlfriend is loving that balloon :)
OMG! That is just the best outfit every! Glad you all enjoyed Valentine's Day!
I love everything about this post. You look gorgeous, Ella's outfit is absolutely precious and her favors are so creative!
Is she obsessed with balloons? I haven't blogged it yet but I bought BK a huge mylar balloon from WM for V-day and it was like you gave her a million dollars. I've never seen her so excited over anything. Ever.
I'm so glad you guys had a great day. You are such an adorable family!
I love the cupcake frosting cheeks picture. Oh she is just too sweet!
So much to enjoy here - the crafty Valentines (go you!), Ella's darling t-shirt, cupcake face. I'm with you & our gal AP - what's not to enjoy about Valentine's?
Oh my goodness! Her outfit is soooooooo cute!!!
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