Wednesday, June 17, 2009

doctor update

Well we're back to Dr. O tomorrow.

If you don't know our whole saga you can catch up here.

We're supposed to be doing a "monitored ovulation" tomorrow. They'll take a look with an ultrasound and see what happens when I ovulate. Hopefully I'm doing this fine on my own (which I would think I am with four pregnancies under my belt), but tomorrow will decide if we do this with our without fertility drugs this time.

I'm kind of scared of Clomid. I don't want an Imperfect's + 8 situation.

But I'll do what I'm told. I have a feeling this is too early for this appointment. I happen to know my body pretty daggum well through charting and stuff and I'm pretty positive I don't ovulate til Monday. My ovulation kits big fat negative is on my side. But they're telling me to come tomorrow so we shall see.

So fingers crossed. I would really like one small thing to go my way. Not that I won't do fertility drugs if I have too, but I am kind of overloaded on the medications at the moment. I'll update tomorrow when I know something. G'nite!


Jackie said...

Just found your blog. Good luck at the doctor!

Jen said...

Good luck ... I'll be thinking about you!

Jill said...

i will be thinking of you tomorrow! look on the bright side, if you became imperfect's + 8 you could rock kate's rockin' upside down mullet! ;)

Mike and Molly Spivey said...

I will be thinking of you has you are at your appointment - hopefully you will have some good news. And I wouldn't be so scared of clomid - multiples isn't as scary as people make it out to be - now, 8 might be, but 2 is Amazing... I would actually love to have triplets next :) we'll see :)

Miss Jody said...

Oh good luck to you sweetie!:)
I'll cross my fingers, toes and eyes if I have too! ;)

Ashley Paige said...

good luck! thinking of you and sending little prayers your way! :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck today. Sending good ju ju your way sister. Kick some butt?!? That may not be appropriate for the Drs, but do it anyway!

Shaina said...

Good luck at the MD today. I'll definitely be thinking about you!!!

Emily said...

Good luck, i'll keep you in my prayers!

Jennifer said...

good luck! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

Sassy Engineer said...

Will be keeping you in prayers, girly!

Meg said...

I said a prayer for you. Hope it all goes well!

Lindsey said...

Praying for you friend! Hugs!!

That's Mrs. Russell said...

new to the blog still but i will be thinking about ya tomorrow. hope all goes well.

amy (metz) walker said...

Hope all went well! I haven't heard of "monitored ovulation". I supposed I'd actually have to ovulate for someone to discuss this with me though. Thinking of you, sister!


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