As with all previous posts, this room is not completely done. I've mentioned it before but will remind you that here in the Imperfect household we lack some serious sticktoitofness (come on Blogger spell check, that's totally a word!) and moved from this room to another without completely finishing up. But it's the closest to done in the house.
Gah, enough of my jabbering, here's our room.
Headed into our room from the hall. I've known from the very beginning of re-doing this room that it would be brown and blue. Of course the Mister fought me on brown walls but now he absolutely loves them. You'll remember the same thing happened with the paint color in our bathroom...
Another view coming into the room. That's our laundry hamper on the right which we hardly use. We usually just leave our clothes on the floor so the dog's can sleep on them. I can't believe I just admitted that.
I love my bedspread!! I looked forever and saw this randomly at a SteinMart of all places. I'd never even been in there, I just happened to walk through one day on my way to Old Navy and saw this. It was a bit more than I would have wanted to pay but it's so worth it. Of course now Mr. Perfect won't let Lacy on the bed.. Price you have to pay.
Our bed is a California King and is the best investment ever. We need a headboard, but I don't even care. We had a bed set to go with our queen that's now in the guest room, but we were going to kill one another if we didn't upgrade to a larger bed. Apparently I move in my sleep. A lot.
The Mister's night stand. This is actually his childhood furniture that we stripped down, painted, and put new hardware on. We've been all about the DIY projects this year.
My dresser on my side of the bed. I love that picture. It's a yellow lab sleeping on the bed and is called "Master Bedroom". I'm just looking for a white frame to mat it in and it will hang above my dresser.
The dresser across from our bed. The TV in our room was a huge deal to get. I HATE televisions in the bedroom. I just don't think it's the place for them. I fought tooth and nail to not have one and then came home one day to this. I lost it! But after my meltdown I got over it and now have to admit it's not so bad. We actually hardly ever watch it. It's been my best friend after surgeries in the past though.
We are still looking for a mirror we're both in love with to put above the dresser. And when I say looking, I mean we hardly ever think about it and it wasn't until I went to put this post together that I remembered we don't have one. Oops.
My closet with the Mister's belts and shoes in it. I won the closet, I can let him keep his shoes in his room right?!
Our room! Isn't the tile divine?! I can't say enough about how much I love it. Mr. Perfect was definitely right on that call. I have a project I'm working on right now for above our bed. But that gets a big fat to be continued...

I love it :-) especially the tile floor - it really does look very nice! Although I'll warn you, you're going to need lots of area rugs when you have a crawler one day!
I love the furniture! Very cute and cozy..the blue bedspread in very nice too! :)
great job!! and not too girly but still cute!
and i leave clothes on the floor so y dog can lay on them too!! he likes them more than his bed, its pretty cute.
I love your floor! Oh my gosh, very jealous of that beautiful tile. So cool!
Very cool that you guys refinished all the furniture by yourself! That's impressive!
wow I just love your bedding! Thank you for sharing.
love the brown walls and the blue comforter! SO pretty!
I LOVE the colors of your room, and the bedding looks awesome...go Stein Mart!
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