I officially have a two month old.
At her last appointment (when she was 7 weeks, 5 days), Baby Girl was weighing in at 12.14 pounds and was 23 3/4 inches long. Her head circumference is 39 1/2 cm. She's in the 90th percentile for height and weight, and the 75th for her head size.
Personally, I just think she's perfect!
What she's been up to this past month:
You went to your sitter for the first time on Tuesday. I bawled like a baby. You weren't even fazed. While I enjoyed being back at work, I missed you like crazy. When I picked you up, I was told you were just the perfect baby all day. But I already knew you would be!
Between 6 and 7 weeks, you became the most vocal little thing. You now coo, squeal, holler, and sigh. It's absolutely precious. If you feel like you need something, you will certainly let us know by "talking" to us. I'm pretty sure that when you learn to talk, you will never stop!While we sat in the truck in North Carolina waiting on your uncle, you laughed out loud for the first time! I absolutely melted!! Your Daddy and I were goofing around making faces at you and you just laughed. I cried too. You're growing up so fast!!At your 2 month appointment, you got your second round of shots. You cried while it was happening, but then you were over it. You slept the rest of the day though. No fever, but you were out. You are such a tough girl.
You are still such a social baby. You love to lay on your back and play with us. You smile (not laugh- you've only done that once!) and kick around and get such a kick out of being the center of attention! And of course we love watching you!
You are officially on a feeding and sleeping schedule and it has made you a changed baby. You eat 4 1/2 ounces of formula every 3 hours, except for one feeding when you still get breast*milk. You wake up at 6 am everyday and your schedule starts. You eat and play and then take a nap about 7:15. Then you eat every 3 hours, play for a while and then you're supposed to take a nap. You're not a huge fan of the naps. You usually miss those. You eat last at 9 pm and then get ready for bed. You're in the bed at 10 and sleep til 6 am. You've been doing that since May 18th. Rarely, you'll wake up about 3 am and want to eat, but you haven't done that in weeks. I can deal with the no naps if you keep sleeping like this!! The trick also is you must be swaddled. Otherwise you wake yourself up.
On May 13th, you moved to your room and started sleeping in your crib. You have slept amazing since then. I miss you in our room, but we both sleep so much better. You even nap in there now. Your room is definitely in use now!You made a ridiculously long road trip to welcome home your Uncle, and you were an angel. Post on that later. But you require a ton of stuff to travel girl! You've been out downtown with us and your bff Kathryn and her parents. We had such a good time, but your slept through most of it!
You met your Uncle Marine and I'm pretty sure you guys are going to be the best of friends.
You are such a good baby. You love the bath, you love your play mat, your swing.. You are so content. You still love to be held (I hope you stay that way!) and you can hold your head up for quite a while before you get tired. You also reach for stuff and if you can't reach it, you yell at it. It's so funny! You can hold a rattle for about 30 seconds and you put your hands around your bottle while you eat.You hold my fingers while you eat. I absolutely love it.You are such a sweetheart and you are the light of our lives. We simply cannot get enough of you!!
She's getting so big. OMG. Adorable. And I cried more than the dude the first few times he had to get is vacs. HA!
She is so sweet :-) And I'm glad that the time at the sitter went well!
oh my goodness, that little red white and blue dress is so darling on her!
I can't believe she's already 2 months old! She is getting so big!
Wow, she's 2 months already??? Where does the time go? She is getting so big and just more and more beautiful every day!
Wow. This month has been so eventful. Don't you feel like Ella has learned so much and her personality is really coming through? Jude is 2 months on Tuesday so I'll be posting then. Of' course, it'll be VERY similiar since our kids are twins. I did see that Ella could hold a rattle, so we're going to try and do that today.
She's so BIG and I love it.
Email me from work, girl...I miss chatting during the day.
I love the beach picture. The best Sarah has done at night was 1 am til 6am. Count your blessings one by one! Haha!
She is getting sooo big!!!
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