I am so excited that you are finally celebrating your first Father's Day. On our entire journey to become parents, I saw the love you would one day share with a child here on Earth displayed. Now that Baby Girl is here, that love I saw has multiplied by thousands.
I love watching you two together. How she laughs at you and how she lights up when you come around. She's changing you and making you love in ways I don't think you thought were possible, and I feel so lucky to be around for that.
You are an amazing Dad. I can't wait to watch y'alls relationship continue to grow and to see how much tighter she manages to get you around her finger. =) I love you babe. Happy First Father's Day!
And to my Dad..
You were the first man I ever loved and I will never stop loving and respecting you. You were an AMAZING father and have given me a roadmap on how to raise my daughter. You never missed a game, a recital, a dance, or a Girl Scout camping trip. You took me to work every Father/Daughter work day, you choked up when you dropped me off at college, and you cried on my wedding day. You are my rock. You've made me so excited for the father daughter relationship I now get to watch grow in Mr. P and BG because I know how awesome it is. I love you Dad. I'm so happy I get to see you be my girls "Pops". She doesn't yet realize how lucky she is!
Happy first Fathers Day to Mr. Perfect. That picture of their hands is so precious.
How sweet! Dad's are the best :)
Don't you love witnessing that Father/Daughter love, it's sooo sweet. Love the hand photo, that is priceless. Happy Father's Day to both men in your life!
Aww happy first father's day to Mr. Perfect!! Such a sweet post!
That picture of their hands is so precious.
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