Baby Girl, myself, and the pups all gave the Mister a nice card, but I think Baby Girl's might have been the best. =) I had found a card where she could record a message and got her to coo into that. Only took 4 days to get her to do that (she'd be cooing or laughing away til I pressed the record button, then silence), but it turned out so cute!
We got Mr. Perfect a new shirt and some cigars that he wanted, but the best present by far was from BG. Her and I had gone a few weeks ago to make him a Father's Day plate with her footprints on it and it turned out awesome. I know guys don't usually dig the sappy stuff, but he seemed to really like this. I personally love it. But I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff.. =)
my heart and soul..
After opening gifts, we headed to Sunday School and church and then lunch at the grandparents after that. Of course there was a photo session..
Could they possibly be any cuter?!?
Baby Girl with her Daddy and great-granddad. We missed our Pops!!
my family...
I adore my family. I can't thank God enough for blessing me with these two. They are my world!
After lunch Baby Girl and I sacked out on the couch until Mr. P woke us up to "get his girls home and in the bed". I love hearing that. And so we headed home where her and I slept and he enjoyed some time to himself.
In all honesty, that was probably the best gift we gave him yesterday!
Hope you had the best Father's Day ever babe. Your girls sure do love you...
ohmigod i love her chubby little legs, they are too sweet!!
I love the plate. Great idea. And, you are looking fabulous! Nice pictures.
I like the photo of you three in yor pink; it's very cute. Sounds like the Mr. had a great day.
I LOVE the platter with her name and footprints, how special! Sounds like your hubby had a great Father's Day!
oh my god. she is SUCH a little chunker! i just want to eat her up!!!!
she is an absolute doll! i am glad y'all had a good father's day!
Such a sweet post! I love the idea of recording her cooing, he will cherish that forever I'm sure. The last picture is such a great family picture, glad y'all had a great day!
Love the plate! So sweet. :)
Awww ~ happy first father's day! Love baby girl's gift for daddy!
they are too sweet!!
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