We talked each other through every step we took to try and get pregnant. I think she knows more about my journey than most of my IRL friends know. And she was one of the first people I shared my news that I was pregnant with. A few months later we got to celebrate again when she found out she was pregnant.
We both have miracle babies. Babies that took a lot of extra work and love to get here. They are so, so precious. And Megan's baby Cohen needs that extra love to keep on coming. As of now, he's stable but he is still in critical condition. My heart literally breaks for this family. But they are so strong. I covet your prayers for them. I pray God heals this child and puts him in his mother's arms where he belongs. I pray that God continues to give strength to Megan and her husband Brent. I pray that He gives their families the strength to continue to be strong for Megan, Brent, and especially Cohen. If you have a minute, just say a quick word for them. Or hop on over to this site and see what else you can do to help.
Megan was an amazing friend and such a support to me through my past pregnancy loss history and through my pregnancy with Baby Girl and I'm at a loss to what I can do for her now and I hate that. But we can all pray. This little man is a fighter, but he needs some back up. So come on prayer warriors, it's time for us to hit our knees!

I am definitely praying for them all. Megan, Brent, Cohen, the doctors and nurses. All of them. I've been a ready of her blog for a while and this just breaks my heart. Our small group at church is also praying and lifting little Cohen up.
Saying lots of prayers for Cohen, Megan and their family.
A prayer just went up from small-town Alabama. Will remember in our prayers.
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