And U.M. did a lot of this..
We went and ate sushi with our "sister", Aunt Red, where of course we laughed our heads off and were ridiculously inappropriate. It's what Aunt Red is best at. It's kind of why we love her.
It's also why she's not allowed alone with my child..
I went back to work during the week he was here. Mr. Perfect took this picture to show U.M. how upset I was the morning I went back to work.
Obviously they were more impressed with the picture than I was.
That night we headed out for Mexican with some of our faves. We met up with KP, Katie, and our pal Joe for cheap food and cheap drinks. I could eat Mexican every night. My hips currently look like I do anyway..
Somebody slept through dinner..
Some of my favorite people.
I pink puffy heart these girls..
We managed to get pretty much our entire old crew together one night for a fish fry and low country boil. It's a completely different kind of get together now being as how there were 4 little girls around. Most of the party was spent back in Baby Girls room! I never thought I'd see the day..
Two of my closest friends and our girls; there's 3 months between each of them. The one in blue is 8 months, Katie in the middle is 5 months, and Baby Girl is 2 months. Although BG and Katie are almost exactly the same size!
Best friends since elementary school..
The night before U.M. left, we got the family together at one of our favorite restaurants for dinner. Good food and U.M got to hit on our waitress, so pretty successful night. It sucks he had to leave, but we had such a good time!
The Marine and our grands.
Short two weeks, but I'm pretty sure this face will bring him back soon!
I have to admit, I am super super jealous of your girlfriends :) I want a group of close friends with babies around the same time as me!! Too fun!
(and I am working on an email to you, sorry, last night was crazy!)
I agree with D.A.R. - I want some awesome girlfriends too :) it looks like so had such a good time. I love family time!
OK, we are MORE alike than we thought. Is that a Vera Bradley bag in Raspberry Fizz? Yep...that's my pattern too. I have almost a complete set...I LOVE IT. Imagine my surprise when I see you have one too. I mean, I'm not REALLY surprised. Lol. =)
I'm so happy you had a great visit with UM. I bet he was so happy to come and vist himself!
Okay- u look like I do when I have to go back to work. Ha! Ha!
Great pics my friend :)
YOUr baby is getting so big!!
And so gorgeous!!!!!!
that picture of you crying breaks my heart!!!! but if it's any consolation, you look gorgeous when you cry! i look like a crumpled up, blotchy, red-faced WRECK when i cry! so good job! :)
You must be very tricky at hiding your muffin top. I see ZERO muffins in any of these photos! Looks like MUCH fun!
I laughed so hard at your comment about wanting to eat mexican food every night and your hips currently look like you do. I don't think so, but it was still funny!
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