Our Father's Day weekend was pretty low key. Which? is sort of how we do things. And we love it.
I keep thinking that one day we'll be the type of people that make these big, grandiose plans for special days, but so far, that doesn't appear to be happening. So we do small, simple things. And we do them together. Which is kind of what the days about right?
Mr. P had to go into work early that Saturday, so BG and I got to work putting the finishing touches on his present.

This collage was much easier to do last year when she wasn't mobile.
And for comparison's sake..

Oh my stars.
Back on track girl. Once Mr. P returned home, we decided to head out to the local state park.
I had read that there was a half mile walking trail out there that we figured even BG could handle, so we packed up and headed out. Once we got there, we quickly found the trail and were on our way.

It didn't take long at all for BG to decide that she's not the hiking type and to quickly demand another means of transportation.

We both swapped carrying around the little one for a while until we realized that we clearly weren't on a half mile track. We had been walking for over and hour and couldn't see an end in sight.
So we trekked it back up to the road where we quickly discovered that this girl had actually put us on the three mile bike track instead of the nice, short walking trail. So that was fun.
Then we
I'm sure she got it. ;)

When she lost interest, I took her back up the playground area so that Mr. P could have some time to himself. Well, time with the fish. However, you want to look at it. That was probably his favorite Father's Day gift.

But he quickly joined us at the playground because lets face it; we're way more fun than fishing.

The afternoon was perfection. Perfection.
I cannot think of anything else I'd rather than do than listen to her laugh all afternoon. Those two slay me.
After picking up dinner, we settled in for a low key evening at home.
Sunday was spent giving Daddy gifts early in the day and then church and napping that afternoon.

BG and I went to a baby shower that afternoon and left Mr. P at home. He was then able to take a nap completely uninterrupted. That was actually probably his best gift.
Mr. P deserves a great Father's Day. Because that man is one great Dad. And every day that goes by, he gets even better at this job. So I hope you had a great Father's Day love. Your girls love you tons.

This was so cute! I love all of the pictures.
That's the exact same gift I tried to do for Father's Day this year but my 6 month old didn't really want to hold the letters!
What a great daddy's day! and? I love her sweet rosey cheeks when she gets hot I'm assuming? That's EXACTLY how Carly is. So cute and sweet.
Love it. She's adorable. YOU are tiny. I'm glad Mr. P had a good father's day!
So cute!! Love the slide pictures.
I have to ask--the high sock thing--is that a southern thing?! No one does that here, at all. Like, ever. But it is kind of cute :)
I think the collage is even better mobile. You can so tell the age she's at!!! I love every one of these pics! They are amazing!!! And she is soooooo cute!
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