It also involved toddler tantrums, having to leave said wedding early, little sleep, and lots of driving.
Yea. So we're recovering.
While we do that, here's last week in pictures. Enjoy.
Sunday, May 27th:

My girl and I on a sunny Sunday afternoon.
Monday, May 28th:

She is awesome.
Tuesday, May 29th:

We received the sweetest gift in the mail and BG had to try it on immediately. She loved the "princesses" on it.
Wednesday, May 30th:

We headed down to Charleston after work for a wedding weekend. BG was up and hard core the entire way until I looked back and saw this, a whole 10 minutes from the destination. Nice.
Thursday, May 31st:

Trying to get this child to stand still and take a picture is like Chinese water torture. All I wanted was a cute shot of her in her rehearsal dinner dress.
Friday, June 1st:

While Mr. P was busy doing groomsman things, BG and I went shopping with one of the other groomsman's wife and daughter. We had such a good time with them.
Saturday, June 2nd:

In an unexpected twist to our weekend, we ended up in Myrtle Beach waiting on my first little niece to enter the world. She did, and she's perfect!!
I die! She fits the dress perfectly! I have one more if youll let me know what size? :-). I love to shop amd there's no man in my life so all money goes to ally and e haha well if you'll let me spring with surprised every now n then? :-$
Omg she is just the cutest!!! I love her cheeks!
Congratulations on becoming an Auntie!!! It's the best ever! I'm going to become one again on June 19th! SIL has a scheduled C-section as the doctors are saying she won't be able to do a VBAC with this child. I can't wait!
Love the pics, and yes, trying to get a picture of a toddler is so maddening sometimes. They just can't keep still!!!
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