Hopefully not.
After our first beach day, we headed inside for a few hours.
BG passed out cold while Uncle Marine and Kiki opened a few baby gifts and then Kiki and I opened some Mother's Day gifts. Then it was time for us all to get ready to head out for a bit.
Aunt Kiki and Uncle Marine had a surprise planned for BG since neither one of them was able to make it to her birthday party in April. We had no clue what we were in store for, but we all packed up and headed to Broadway at the Beach where Kiki and U.M. quickly ushered Baby Girl into...
Yes, her first one.
I thought it might be a disaster when she burst into tears as all the store clerks rushed at us, but she eventually chilled out.
They let her pick an animal and she quickly decided on a Hello Kitty doll (no idea). BG and Aunt Kiki picked out a sound for the kitty and then we headed over to do some stuffing.

BG picked out the heart for the kitty and then with the help of the sales clerk, held it, kissed it, and then placed it inside "Kitty".

BG wanted nothing to do with the machine that does the stuffing but was stoked when she got her now complete Kitty back.
Then it was off to clothes. Minus a

With a new outfit and even a purse to match, "Kitty" was complete.

BG was a bit bratty during most of this (what? totally the truth) and I felt bad because I didn't want the two of them to think she didn't enjoy it. She did, she's just two. And being as how they have a little one of their own now, they'll understand what that means soon enough. These little people are just so dang hard to figure out.

We did catch her feeding "Kitty" at dinner and making sure she was snuggled up to her in the highchair, so I'm pretty sure they know how much she likes her.

After walking around a bit more and having dinner at Margaritaville (tourist trap!!) we hit up the little pavilion carnival for BG to take her first carnival ride.

We bought tickets to go on the carousel thinking it would be a good, safe, easy first ride for le toddler. However, said toddler quickly lost her everloving mind the second we stepped in line. Trying to place her on that carousel horse was akin to pulling a jellyfish off one's leg; not freaking easy.
So we found us a bench and we made nice. It still counts as a carousel ride.

It was over. She survived. I ended up giving away the rest of our ride tickets to another little kid as BG wasn't going anywhere near any ride. Oh well.

It was such a good night. The perfect way to wrap up our mini beach vacation.
Leaving the next morning sucked. I am so ready to go back.

1 comment:
I just can't get over how cute your family is and how sweet your little girl is! Love her!
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