-If I stayed up way too late watching Teen Mom last night. I can't believe I don't have that drama to tune into weekly anymore. Also? they make me feel like I've got all my ish together. Also? I want to adopt all of those kids. Especially Leah because she reminds me of my sweet girl.
-If I'm completely bonkers for Big Brother this season. I'm hardly on Twitter anymore but I straight up have the spoiler timeline running constantly. I cannot get enough.
-If I've slacked off on my running big time the week of the race. Way to go killa. Please let me survive this run on Friday.
-If I've hit the point in this move where I just want to be at the new house. Thinking of the good byes ahead is making my stomach hurt. I just can't...
-If I am so terrified of the birds at the lake that I seriously wonder who will save my child if one of them gets her because she got to close. She might be on her own on that one...

-If I've eaten at least one king size Snickers bar each day for the last, heck, I have no idea. It's been a while. I'm a stress eater. So I'm eating a lot these days. Don't care.
-If I don't really get Pinterest. I like it, don't get me wrong, I just don't get it. I don't think I'm doing it right.
-If I can't quit shopping for Fall clothes even though I cannot buy a thing. Man... this stinks. I need to win the lottery. Or play it. Whatever.
That's it. That's all I've got. Y'all have a great day ladies.
Im obsessed with Big Brother too! I watch Big Brother after dark this week and OH BOY tonight should be good! Have you watched it/seen any of the spoilers? Craziness :)
I love Big Brother too. I thought I would hate it once the coaches started playing but now I love it. Boogie drove me nuts - he is just mean. I used to like him until he and Frank were mean to everyone.
When I had Sawyer in 2010, I would watch After Dark all night when I was up with him all hours of the night!
You already know how I feel about BB! Obsessed! I have the pocket BB app, do you?
I deleted my Pinterest account, I just didn't get the hoopla around it either. I can see how it would be cool if you were planning an even or completely redecorating, but for everyday stuff I wasn't feeling it.
I'm really afraid of birds/ducks as well! I've found parks without them and only take the girls there, haha
Yeah I'm a big fat disappointment on pinterest! But you should see my real life. Ha!
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