I am that girl. And it's my child's first Christmas (apparently til next Christmas), so these posts will be photo heavy.
Like waterlogged. Just warning you..
After playing Santa and going to bed pretty late Christmas Eve, we still were up at the crack of dawn on Christmas with Baby Girl.
When I was growing up, I was the first one up every single Christmas Day. Heck, I still am at twenty-eight. I distinctly remember going downstairs and seeing the tree lit up and the presents. There would be wrapped presents and then a few unwrapped from "Santa". While everyone else still slept, I would peruse my stocking and all the unwrapped presents. I loved it. It was so quiet as I took it all in.
That's what I wanted for BG.
Since this was her first Christmas, we tried not to go overboard. That was a daily battle for this girl, but I think I did okay. Santa brought her her "big" present; a Pooh table, which she fell in love with immediately.
After her morning bottle, Nonny and Pops showed up and we began the festivities. We sang "Happy Birthday" to Jesus first, which is another tradition from my childhood that I wanted to pass on, and then let her open some presents.

We have a small (ie: ridiculous) obsession over penguins around these parts. Not sure exactly where it came from (though I have my idea), but somehow my child is getting sucked into it. Seems only fitting that Uncle Marine would get the girl a penguin toy.

The rest of the morning was a blur of wrapping paper, ribbons, and bows. BG didn't quite "get it", but she liked ripping the paper off her presents. Of course after each gift was unwrapped she would get so busy playing with that toy that it took forever to get her to unwrap the next one.

Someone desperately needed a nap break, but was not having it.
Mr. P opening his "Dad" ornament from the little. She's such a sweet gift giver.
My favorite Christmas gift.. :)

Then BG let some other people unwrap some gifts while she let me

And then... we were done.
Of course I had to get a picture of my two best girls on Christmas morning. BG cracks me up.
She's all "get up out my picture bia".
After cleaning up some (and still no nap for the little one), we got dressed and headed out to the lake for dinner and more gifts.
To be continued...
I love all the babies first Christmas pictures, you have every right to take thousands in my opinion! Good job documenting! :)
Love the picture of her with the bow on her head! What a great Christmas gift for you and your whole family = ) Happy Friday!
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