Here goes..
Saturday, January 1st.
Mr. Perfect and I thought it would be fun to dress BG up in one of his shirts. I have a picture just like this in one of my Daddy's shirts. Love.
Sunday, January 2nd.
BG thought it would be fun to destroy her mobile during nap time.
Monday, January 3rd.
The little smile BG started giving us. She sucks her top lip in so hard, I'm surprised her nose doesn't end up in her mouth.
Tuesday, January 4th.
We decided to head to Athens for the day to visit the bestest.
Wednesday, January 5th.
Apparently I didn't take any pictures except for on my phone this day. Oops. BG learned how to move the pack-n-play that I set up as a barrier, right on out of her way. Good times.

Thursday, January 6th.
A new bedtime pal.
Friday, January 7th.
The little one discovered how to crawl on her hands on her feet. I don't think she's decided which way she thinks is fastest yet.
Saturday, January 8th.
40 weeks old.
Ahem.. Clearly I didn't stick to the "not every picture will be BG" theme this week.
I said no promises. :)
Soooooo cute!!!
love the pics! you guys are on the move :)
have I mentioned I'm loving the new blog look!?
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