And it feels so good..
Sunday, January 16th:
Seriously. Is there anything on this planet sweeter than a sleeping babe?!?
Monday, January 17th:
BG thinks this chair is her personal jungle gym. She climbs on it, jumps on it, stands on it, and uses it to attempt to climb on the coffee table. Her parents really should put this thing in storage.
Tuesday, January 18th:
Do not judge. It was laundry day at our house and apparently Cash decided to make the most out of a blah chore. He looks pretty comfortable no?
Wednesday, January 19th:
This was BG's first trip to the park which I posted about here. She loved the park as evidenced by that little content grin on her face and we've been back multiple times since then. It's kind of becoming our "thing".
Thursday, January 20th:
I'm posting two pictures for today because I can't pick one and it's my blog and.. well, that's enough reasons.

Every day after lunch, we pack up everyone and make the trek around the apartment complex to the mailbox. This is my view. Clearly this was a good day where the pups weren't trying to pull my arm off as the picture isn't all blurry.

This is BG chilling out at our apt complex park. It's nowhere near as cool (no swings! seriously?!), but it has a few slides and it's a hop, skip, and a jump from our front door, so it'll do in a pinch. I love this little smirk of hers..
Friday, January 21st:
Us unwinding at the end of the night; I read blogs, he reads, whatever men read. Clearly this is after the little one is in bed as no one sits down while she's awake!
Saturday, January 22nd:
The little one in action getting ready to climb up on the coffee table. This is my view 93% of the day. No matter what is on that table, she wants it. Even if it's nothing. She's silly like that.
She is seriously SO adorable! This is the perfect time for this project - what a great way to remember everyday!!
I was hoping I'd see my blog pulled up on your computer. =(
I'm so proud of you getting out and about with little E. I know she loves the park. I wish ya'll would schedule a trip out West and come swing with Jude!!!
BG is so sweet...I love her 9 month old pic on your side bar!
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