Nothing screams fun like a couple hours in the car with a nine month old.
Kidding. She's actually really good in the car, so road trips are a blast.
A few weeks ago, we decided to head down to Athens to hang out with the bestie. I love Athens and can't wait til BG is a bit older and can go down for games and stuff. I'm a little bit stoked that we live just over an hour from downtown.
We picked up AP and headed downtown where we ate lunch at Transmet. It was delicious, but BG was not impressed that she had to spend the entire meal in her carseat. Down side to college towns? No high chairs. Boo.
After lunch, we walked down the street to get some frozen yogurt. Because there's nothing like walking around outside in the freezing cold and then eating frozen yogurt. Hand in hand obviously.
Then we headed down to see one of the many bulldogs that line the streets of Athens. I'm sure BG loved it. Don't let her face fool you.
We headed back to AP's house after that so BG could stretch her legs out a bit before we headed back home. I was dragging my feet big time to head back to SC. It felt so nice to hang out with my bff for a while!
Then a couple of weeks ago, we ventured a bit south to spend the day with Erin and Hudson. Erin and I had been talking about trying to get together for a while and it finally worked out so we could meet up.
This blog world can be a little bit insane, but one thing I love about it is the amazing relationships I've formed. I've gained some close friendships through blogging and am slowly turning blog friends into "in real life" friends and I love it!
Erin and I went and saw Black Swan (awesome yet disturbing) while the kiddos got to hang out together at her house. BG loved Hudson. I think she's missed all her friends at her sitter's house.
I had a blast with Erin and am sure I talked her ear off since I've had basically no "girl talk" in months. She is exactly as awesome as she appears on her blog and we didn't stop talking the entire time we were there. I had to force myself out the door to make the trip home because I was having such a good time. So were these two who were very, very hard to get a good picture of! Such sweet, sweet kids, but they are on the go! Thankfully Hudson tired BG out for the trip home. She was out before we pulled out of their driveway.
So fun. We can't wait to hang out with them again.
In the meantime, where oh where should we venture to next?!?
Dang! Ya'll take some good road trips! I wanna go see Erin and Hudson and watch Black swan!! jels!
Or, the beach in June. We'll be there!
Oh I love me a road trip!
How awesome that you got to meet a blogging it when that happens!
SO fun you got to hang out with Erin!!!! :)
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