Monday, May 18, 2009

Weekend Wrap-Up

First off.. Thank you all so much for the sweet comments on my post yesterday!! You guys make my day! And honestly, I don't EVER talk about these issues in real life. I keep a very low profile with this and most of the people that I encounter on a daily basis have absolutely no clue that we are going through any of this. This blog has become my outlet and I can't say enough how thankful I am for you ladies and your constant support!! Thank you for listening because it truly does mean tons to me!!

That said. We had an awesome weekend and so relaxing....

Friday nite the Marine and Lora came over for some Wii time. So after spending a good 2 hours doing the dance pad, I decided that the Marine and Lora simply had to try the Shred. The Marine had been making fun of me all nite because I kept complaining about how bad my quads hurt (we're talking hemorrhaging of the quadriceps here people!) so I basically told him to put his money where his mouth was. They got beat down..

Saturday the hubs let the dogs outside when he left for work so I GOT TO SLEEP IN!!!! Never happens because they always wake you up at the crack of dawn! I do love that man... Of course I slept way too late to be productive but what are you gonna do?!

A good friend of mine, KW, and her husband just found out that they're having a little girl (yay!) in September, so I packed up Saturday afternoon and spent the day painting little Gabby's nursery.

(Sidenote: Mr. Perfect swears he doesn't "watch" my shows when they're on, but that he's just in there with me. So the other day I tell him that KW is naming the baby Gabrielle and calling her Gabby. Without missing a beat the Mr. goes "Oh.. a Desperate Housewives fan huh?". Busted buddy.)

Now I absolutely hate painting. It's right up there with walking on hot coals, but it was so good to hang out with some old friends again!!

My dog is snoring his everloving head off right now and is making it super hard to write.

Saturday nite, the Mr. wanted to catch up on some tv shows and sleep, so I headed out with Turstal for dinner. Such a fun time!! Her brother's girlfriend came with us and we spent hours cracking up and eating.

Turstal, Lindsay, and I after dinner...

Saturday nite the Mister and I got zero sleep. See, the Mister has sleep apnea something fierce. He tried the machine (not even going to try and remember the name) once before with no luck. Well the doctor is making him try it again and it's not working so well. Basically it blows air the wrong way the whole time, so instead of helping him, it keeps waking him up. And it's blowing freakin' cold air on me. We woke up Sunday exhausted and in super fun moods. Right.

We got up in time for Sunday School but didn't make it. It honestly felt like we were getting hit by the devil from every angle to keep us out of church Sunday morning. But we made it. Tired, bedraggled, and with big 'ol circles under our eyes, but we made it. And the service was just what we both needed so I'm so glad we won that little battle.

We did absolutely zero activity the rest of the day. The Mister came home and passed out. I came home and watched sobbed my way through my DVR'd Grey's finale. Ohmygosh. When the Mister woke up I was crying so hard I could barely breathe. I couldn't even tell him what happened so we went back to the couch and I made him watch it. Freakin' cried my eyes out AGAIN!! Not even an hour later!! So was not expecting that!!

I can't even talk about it...

Sunday nite I met my friend Shanon for dinner. She's moving back to San Diego today and I'm so bummed! She's such a sweetheart and has been such a great sounding board to me this past year. She's truly been like a (tiny version) older sister to me and I'm going to miss her tons.. But.. now I have a reason to head to the great state of California!!

Shans and I after dinner...

And I know I look like a big 'ol monster in that photo, but she's really, really small!! I promise!!

The Mr. left this morning to head to Boston for a week for work. Boo.. But at the same time I get to live my "secret life" for a week!! Lots of cleaning (I do love it!) without having someone come right back behind me, lots of cheesy tv, ice cream for dinner, and sleeping with the pup in the bed! Shh....


Miss Jody said...

I like weekends like that..not really a plan..just go with the flow...I love your photos! I love pics!

Sassy Engineer said...

You do not look like a monster in that last picture! I will keep you and your hubby in my prayers about your post yesterday. I know God will bless you. I also, think your weekend sounded like lots of fun! The Grey's season finale was pretty amazing. Have a great day!


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