Usually Easter can be pretty hectic with family and church and running around like mad, but not this year.
This year we stayed put. And we really worked on keeping it slow and simple and focused on Him like it should be.
We pulled out the Resurrection Eggs this year to start working on the real meaning of the holiday, but I think BG is still a bit young. She just wanted to open every egg every night. Sort of defeated the purpose. But I loved starting this with her.
Easter weekend was awesome. We stayed home and did things just the three of us.
On Saturday, I took BG to an egg hunt they hold here in town. Her teacher had told me that she loved the egg hunt they did at school so I was pretty stoked to see her participate in one.

There were a ton of people there. A ton. We walked through games and inflatables and food carts to find the pre-school aged hunt. There were kids all around the perimeter of the hunt just itching to get started. I gave BG a "pump up talk" and as soon as they blew the start whistle, she dove right into.... legs.
She was terrified of the
But she quickly got her bearings and joined the madness.

She sort of loved it. She ran all over the place picking up those eggs and wasn't afraid at all to get in there with the bigger kids. I was pretty proud.
After a jaunt in the bounce house and a helicopter egg drop in which BG only wanted to go after discarded candy, we headed home. Overdue being as how I basically had to drag her out of the bounce house by her toes. No lie. Love a challenge.

We decided to head to Sunday evening church the next day so we had super leisurely Sunday morning. We got up, had breakfast, and then set up to dye some eggs. We had never done this with BG (I am not a mess fan), but it was pretty fun and only slightly messy. Not too shabby.

Except this girl dug out an egg dying kit from last year instead of buying a new one so the eggs barely even got a tint of color. After sitting in there for four hours. Oops. Total Mom fail. On two counts since having a kit laying around meant I skipped last year as well.
Oh well.
For some reason, the Easter Bunny didn't make it to out house that morning (ahem...), but he decided to stop by during BG's nap and leave her some surprises.

Nothing too crazy. Lots of books, some Dora bubbles, some Abby play dishes, a chocolate bunny (her Dad's contribution), and an adorable frog that I just knew she would LOVE that she promptly decided she didn't like at all. Fantastic.

She actually picked everything else out of the basket and left the frog in there. Would not even touch it. Seriously?? It's adorable!
We held another little egg hunt in the front yard after lunch so that Dad could do one with her. She quickly distinguished the difference between the eggs with candy and the eggs with money and promptly discarded the ones with money while shoveling the chocolate in her mouth with a quickness. Crazy kid.

We ended the day at church which was amazing and such a powerful message. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend. I am so blessed. I am so thankful.

You look adorbs in that great outfit! We had new dye but no vinegar. So ours took forever too!
Love it. Love easter. Love that you got to stay home. LOVE your dress. You look amazeballs.
Hilarious! I am so glad to know egg dye doesn't keep! I also think you look very nice in your dress!
Love your dress! Very cute and you're looking great too!
So cute! Her hair is getting so long! That is such a great pic of BG and your hubs, and you are tiny!
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