Honestly? I had no idea what to expect when you entered this world. I knew I would love you and I knew I was excited, but I didn't know you. Not yet.
Getting to know you the past two years has blown how I thought I would feel about you, about motherhood, out of the water. I had no idea I could ever cherish one person so much.
When they set you screaming and crying in my arms two years ago, I though my heart might explode with love. Your Daddy and I had waited so long to meet you and I know that neither one of us would be able to believe we were parents until you were with us. And then you were. I'll never begin to explain to you what I felt in that minute. Just as no one could explain a mother's love to me, you won't get it until it's your turn to become a mother yourself (in 30 years young lady).

What I didn't know, is what I felt that day was just the beginning. That that love was going to grow even more as the days, and now years, went by.
Over the past two years, you have changed so much. I'll always love you for the simple fact that you're my daughter, but now I also love the person you're becoming. And more than that, I'm proud of you. Of what you're learning. Of who you're choosing to be.

There is so much I wish for you in this world. First of all, my prayer for you is that you come to know Jesus at an early age. That you'll love and serve Him to the best of your ability. And girl, you are a strong, feisty young girl. You can do so much and I can't wait to see you put that energy into Him. You will be on fire.
I pray that the stubborn and hard headed streak that you have will carry you through tough times. Because unfortunately, they are guaranteed. But you're tough. You'll get through.

I pray that the little girl who starts dancing the minute she hears music will always be there. That you'll always "bust a move" when you feel like it, regardless of who is watching. Music is in your soul lady. It gets me like that too. I pray that you never stop dancing and that love for music never goes away.

I pray that the little girl who wants to wear church shoes with shorts and tutus with boots is always willing to look a bit different. I hope you stay confident in your choices and firm in your beliefs. I pray that you stay true to yourself even if you're the only one around willing to do so.

Baby Girl, I cannot even explain to you how amazing I think you are. I can't even explain to you what you've done to your Dad and I. How you've changed us. How you've stretched us as people. You have made our world better than we ever knew it could be.

We lie in bed some nights, completely exhausted, but still happy and laughing as we talk about the new things you've done that day. The new things you've said. We seriously cannot get enough of you girl. Once you're in bed, we miss you.

Although we would never be crazy enough to go wake you up. You don't wake sleeping

We longed for years to be parents, but we had no clue what was in store for us. No clue. But every single second of it was worth it for this shot at parenthood with you. Every second. You are so, so worth it. The nights with no sleep, the months of exhaustion, the tantrums; they are all worth it.
Not fun at all. But worth it.

Your my best friend little one. You can make me laugh with a simple look, cry when you're upset, you get me mad as the dickens, and make me happier than I knew possible. You're my side kick. You're hands down my pick for a companion on a girl's night. You're the littlest love of my life.
These past two years with you?
Best of my life. I adore you Baby Girl. Always have, always will. I love you so much little one.

Such an amazing post...and congrats to you guys too. You have an awesome little lady there!
Wishing you and baby E the best birthday! What a sweet, sweet post, momma! You are blessed :)
Heart melted.
She is absolutely beautiful and more precious than words! I can't believe she is two years old... crazy how fast time flies! Enjoy that little bundle today! xo Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday, BG!! Beautiful pictures!
So so so sweet!! She is the most precious little thing!!
I love that little girl--and your post. So sweet!
She will cherish this letter so much someday. Happy birthday to your sweet BG!
She is just so cute, and she's changed soooo much! Congrats on 2 great years!
happy birthday sweet girl! that picture of you holding her for the first time and the tear down your cheek omg amazing!
This post made me super emotional! Love it. Love you. In a non creepy way. ADORE your daughter. The way only another mama can.
That tutu on that baby with that hair sprout on the top of her head!!!!!!! Love it!
Hope her birthday was super special :)
You are such a great mama and she is just the cutest. Now I feel the need to go snuggle a baby ;)
Happy Belated Birthday to her! Hope she had a fabulous day
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