Can I still call her Baby Girl when she's quite clearly a toddler?
Why yes, yes I can.
I'm a fan of birthdays. A big fan. You don't have to do much, but it's a day to let someone know you're thinking of them. That you love them. It's a day for them to feel special.
And when it's my sweet girls birthday?
Well, there are no limits to what I'll do to make her feel special. Because she is. She so is.
Thankfully we're surrounded by other people who feel the same way. Love them.
BG's birthday celebration kicked off big time today. I took a cake to school for her class to share. I got some priceless pictures sent to me by her teacher of my little one proudly wearing her Birthday crown and spending her day with her to little pals.

Miss B (BG's teacher) asked BG what she wanted for her birthday wish so that she could write it on her crown. BG wished to spend time with Zoie (one of the girls in the picture above). She loves that girl. Those two, well three, girls are inseparable.

When I picked her up, she was still riding a birthday high and proudly showed me her birthday crown and candle (paper y'all) over and over. Thank you Miss B for making her day so special.
We came home to a sweet gift from her dear friend Kinley that K's oh so sweet Mom was so kind to do for BG. I am so, so thankful for my friends. They do so much for my child which in turn makes my heart smile. I'm so dang lucky.

Tomorrow the festivities continue with a jaunt down to Atlanta and a trip to the aquarium. My little animal lover ought to be out of her mind with excitement.
Her mother sure is.
Last year we held her party on her birthday. This year, her party isn't until next weekend so the celebration gets to keep going. I loved having it all in one day last year but I have to admit; I'm a bit giddy at having my girl all to myself (well, with Mr. P) tomorrow. I'm a bit selfish. I know this.
So tomorrow she turns two. Wow...
Time flies!!!
awe looks like she had a great little party at school! so cute! happy birthday to your little love and YES you can totally still call her a baby!
Crazy! 2! How is 2 possible? Wasn't she JUST BORN? She's precious. Live it up and then give me all of your bday party ideas :)
Sheesh! I remember her first birthday party recap like it was yesterday. Another year already?!
Happy Birthday BG! Hope it was wonderful!
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