At the beginning of the month, the fair came to town and there was no way on Earth this girl wasn't going.
I love the fair. Everything about it. The rides, the exhibits, the food; give me it all. Mr. P is more of a fan of "whatever keeps the wife happy" as there is no way he's getting on a ride that can be
"taken apart in minutes and fit in the bed of a truck". His words.
This girl? don't care.
I immediately checked out the dates and texted Kiki (my SIL) to let her know the dates so we could plan a big 'ol family fun night at the fair. And plan we did.
BG has been to the fair once, back in Savannah, but Mr. P has never been with her and this was Uncle Marine's first time with his little family so the trip was all kinds of special. And a total blast.
Mr. P and I headed out right after he got off of work with the little one. No lie, I was itching to get there all day and might have talked it up to BG so much that she and I both might have made Dad a bit crazy on the ride. But we made it. In one (or three individual pieces).

We skipped the exhibits and headed straight for the animals. After procuring a cup of food, we did the rounds of the petting zoo making sure BG got to feed each and every animal (I am not a germ phobe at all when it comes to things like this. I love her getting right in the thick of it). And get in the middle of it she did. This girl definitely got my love of animals and enjoyed every second of the petting zoo. Except for the one that got her shoulder. She had to stop and give that one a talking to.

Ha. See?

When in Rome, or when at the fair, you do as the fair folk do so we headed off for face painting. For the little one. I'm not that fair crazy.

By that time, UM and his family were pulling in so we grabbed some pizza and sat down to eat while we waited on the three of them to find us. Only it took them forever so we headed down to let BG take her first ride on a pony. Don't you let her expression fool you; she LOVED it.

Eventually we found UM and crew. And BG was ecstatic as usual because she adores those three something fierce.

After a second trip through the petting zoo, it was off to the pig races. Which the adults were far more excited about than BG was. She is a tough crowd.

Then it was time for the rides.
This trip was a ton of fun in that BG could actually ride a ton of the rides. Yay for being over 3 feet tall! The carousel was her first choice and it was a much bigger hit than her first carousel experience this summer. She loved it. Though she did spend much of the ride checking herself out in the mirror. Such a girl.

The rest of the night was spent riding rides and eating way too much fair food. Kiki decided that UM, me, her, and her friend needed to ride that Gravitron ride, so we did. And I'm clearly 30 because it almost killed me. I felt drunk the rest of the trip. Oh getting older is amazing.

Oh yea? See that fish? That's our new addition. I won him. Mr. P is

BG even went on her first "rollercoaster" with me. I don't have any pictures though (lucky you!) because no one else likes to work my camera. Oh well.

It was an absolute and total blast. Pretty sure we all woke up with a fair hangover the next morning, but it was totally worth it. Even if it did take us hours to get moving the next day. We made it to breakfast at 11:00. Nice.

Is it bad that I'm already excited about next year's trip?
Don't answer that.
Oh my goodness...I love the finger! She really gave that guy a talking to!
What a good time y'all had! I just love the state fair. Always have! I can't wait until Jackson can actually ride a rider two next year. We spent most the time at the petting zoo this year :)
Aw - brings back good memories of visiting the fair back home. I also like getting in the thick of things and wandering the animal exhibits, germs be hanged.
Great photos here, especially that one of you and Ella petting the goats with that amazing light coming through.
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