Monday, December 3, 2012

the spirit of friendship

This time of year makes me all sorts of sentimental. The other night, I had a Facebook conversation going with two of my best friends and I was in hysterics over what was being said. As soon as I signed off, it hit me; that pang of just plain missing someone.

I have amazing friends. AMAZING. We've been through so much together and we've made it to the other side. I've noticed that the older I get, the less amount of true friends I have, but the more genuine those friendships are. And I'll take quality over quantity any day.

There is absolutely nothing better than time spent with good friends. I adore my family, but sometimes I think they see me too much as "Mom" or "wife" and not enough as "Megan". And while I love being wife and Mom, I was Megan for 22 years without being those two titles. That hat, just plain Megan, deserves it's fair share of time too and no one makes me feel like "Megan" better than my girls.

continue reading....

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