Friday, October 8, 2010

playdates and parties oh my!

Not even kidding, BG is kind of popular.

I mean, if I was cool and laid back as her, I'd be in high demand too.

Alas, I'm not. But I will sure truck along on all her little excursions. She's cool like that. She lets me go.

And drive. Nice...

The other day, we headed over to her friend Gabby's house for a while. KW was getting ready for Gabby's first birthday, and I had to take some stuff over there for her to use. The little girls used this as some serious catch up/play time. I love that BG is getting to the age that she can actually play with other babies.

I love this picture. I feel like it shows her sweet, sweet spirit as she sits and just plays by herself.

Yes. I am an emotional cheeseball, but y'all, she is so, so sweet.

More playtime.

Can you believe Gabby is six months older than BG?! Yea. They're the same size.


On Saturday the 25th, Miss Gabby had her first birthday. I can't believe it's already been a year since this little girl made her appearance.

So BG got to attend her first birthday party! She kind of loved it. I don't think it had anything to do with celebrating her little friend though. More so the old lady who deboed her five seconds after I got there.

Fine with me. I used my free hands to eat cake. And chocolate covered strawberries. And cupcakes.

It took about ten minutes before BG and her bestie Kathryn, found themselves in the big mirror. It kept them occupied for a good five minutes. They thought popping up and seeing themselves was hilarious!

*Apparently I spent the whole day with a fingerprint on my camera lens.. ahem, BG. Did you know those showed up in pictures?!?

The party went kind of late so BG and I left early as I was quickly picking up on the signs of an overtired child. I did manage to snap a quick picture of the three besties before we left...

This past Saturday, we headed out to another birthday party. My childhood friend's little boy turned four so we packed up and headed one town over for his party.

BG thought my necklace was better than party food.

Playing with Mrs. Shannon while the birthday boy opened presents.

All the kiddos.

I wonder if she's too young to have her own DayPlanner?


A.B. said...

You tell BG that bow heads are all the rage. I'm a little jealous that bows are no longer acceptable for adults.

Jill said...

hehe i love the mirror pic! and that bow hat is muy adorable.

Miss Jody said...

Oh my gosh..very cute pics. I can not believe how big she's gotten!
The pic of the 3 of them is my fav!! :)

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